nRF5 SDK v16.0.0
Tile Node Application
This example requires one of the following SoftDevices: S112, S132, S140

Important: Before you run this example, make sure to program the SoftDevice.

The Tile Node Application is an example that implements the Tile Node profile using the hardware delivered in the nRF5 Development Kit.

The application includes one service:

When the application starts, the Board Support Package is initialized. Next, the tile service is started. The service takes care of the following:


Advertising support for Tile Service is required for compatibility with Tile Network.

Support for Tile Service is advertised through the list of supported 16-bit UUIDs in the advertising packet.

The two following UUIDs are supported:

At this point, the Tile Node can be activated using the Tile mobile application, providing that valid Tile Node credentials have been configured.

Tile Node credentials

You need valid Tile Node credentials [interim_tile_id, interim_tile_key] in order to access a Tile Network.

Without valid Tile Node credentials, your prototype will not interoperate with the Tile Network or the Tile mobile application.

Follow this link to get Tile Node credentials for your prototype.

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