
Set command

The set command writes the %XMIPIRFFECTRL configuration to the nRF91x1 RAM memory.

The command is given separately for each phase. It is not necessary to send the command for each phase, which means it is possible to configure only one phase.



The set command parameters and their defined values are the following:

The identification number of the MIPI RF Front-End Control Interface (RFFE) device given when it was introduced using the %XMIPIRFFEDEV command.
Number of the phase INIT = 0, ON = 1, OFF = 2, PWR_OFF = 3. All numbers must be given as decimals (hexadecimals are not allowed).

The following figure illustrates the RFFE device control in different phases:

Figure 1. RFFE device control and timing in different phases
RFFE device control and timing in different phases

In the figure, PAC/Switch refers to a register in an example antenna tuner that controls the tunable capacitors and/or switches.