
Set command

The set command activates and deactivates modem trace.



Response syntax for Read trace bitmap:

%XMODEMTRACE: <bitmap>

The set command parameters and their defined values are the following:

0 – Deactivate traces.
1 – Activate predefined trace set.
2 – Activate trace bitmap. To be used only on request by Nordic customer support.
3 – Read trace bitmap. To be used only on request by Nordic customer support.
Integer. Predefined trace set identifier.
1 – Coredump only.
2 – Long-Term Evolution (LTE), Internet Protocol (IP), Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), and coredump.
3 – Reserved for future use.
4 – IP only.
5 – LTE and IP.
Integer. Trace bitmap identifier. Used only with the assistance of Nordic customer support.
String in hexadecimal International Reference Alphabet (IRA) format. Used only with the assistance of Nordic customer support.

The following command example activates trace set 1 (Coredump only):


The following command example deactivates trace: