Read command

The read command checks if a Personal Identification Number (PIN) is needed or if a personalization lock is blocking the device start-up.

Response syntax:

+CPIN: <code>

The read command parameter and its defined values are the following:

READY – No PIN required
SIM PIN – PIN code required
SIM PUK – PUK code required
SIM PIN2 – PIN2 code required
SIM PUK2 – PUK2 code required
PH-SIM PIN – USIM depersonalization required
PH-NET PIN – Network depersonalization required
PH-NETSUB PIN – Network subset depersonalization required
PH-SP PIN – Service provider depersonalization required
PH-CORP PIN – Corporate depersonalization required

The following command example shows how to check if a PIN code is needed with the response that a PIN code is required:

Note: Use %XUSIMLCK when facility lock depersonalization is required.