Set command

The set command subscribes unsolicited operator name notifications. The notification is sent when EPS Mobility Management (EMM) information Protocol Data Unit (PDU) with the operator name is received.



Notification syntax:

%XOPNAME: [<full_name>],[<short_name>],[<oper>]

The set command and notification parameters and their defined values are the following:

0 – Unsubscribe unsolicited operator names
1 – Subscribe unsolicited operator names
String in hexadecimal format. Optional field for the full operator name as specified in 3GPP TS 24.008 Ch. Network Name and received from network. The first octet describes the number of spare bits in the last octet, usage of country initials, and the coding scheme of the network name. Octets 2−n specify the network name.
String in hexadecimal format. Optional field for a short operator name as specified in 3GPP TS 24.008 Ch. Network Name and received from network. The first octet describes the number of spare bits in the last octet, usage of country initials, and the coding scheme of the network name. Octets 2−n specify the network name.
String of digits. Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) values.

The following command example subscribes notifications:


An example of an unsolicited notification for a full and a short operator name:

%XOPNAME: "88D6B23CAD7FBB41D7B4BCCC2ECFE7","8B56FD15","556776"

An example of an unsolicited notification for a short operator name:

%XOPNAME: ,"8B56FD15","556776"