Packet domain event notification +CGEV
Unsolicited packet domain notifications are sent when the device is detached from the network or when a packet data connection is activated, deactivated, or modified.v1.0.xv1.1.xv1.2.xv1.3.x
Allocate new CID %XNEWCID
The proprietary %XNEWCID command allocates a new context identifier. Several context identifiers can share the same PDN.v1.0.xv1.1.xv1.2.xv1.3.x
The proprietary %XGETPDNID command maps the context identifier to PDN ID. Several context identifiers can share the same PDN. This command can be used only when the modem is activated.v1.0.xv1.1.xv1.2.xv1.3.x
QoS dynamic parameters +CGEQOSRDP
The +CGEQOSRDP command reads dynamic EPSQoS parameters. The command issues a valid response only when the modem is activated.v1.0.xv1.1.xv1.2.xv1.3.x
Show PDP addresses +CGPADDR
The +CGPADDR command returns a list of PDP addresses for the specified context identifiers.v1.0.xv1.1.xv1.2.xv1.3.x
PDN connection dynamic parameters +CGCONTRDP
The +CGCONTRDP command returns information for an active PDN connection. This command issues a valid response only when the modem is activated.v1.0.xv1.1.xv1.2.xv1.3.x
PS attach or detach +CGATT
The +CGATT command attaches the MT to or detaches the MT from the Packet Domain services.v1.0.xv1.1.xv1.2.xv1.3.x