
Set command

The set command requests the configuration or status information of the Access Point Name (APN) rate control.

The APN rate control configuration and status changes are available also as +CGEV notifications.

APN rate control is active only when the context is active. An indication of context deactivation, such as +CGEV ME PDN DEACT <cid>, received by a client also indicates that the APN rate control configuration is removed for the context identified by <cid>. If the context is activated again, a new APN rate control configuration is indicated to the client if it is configured by the network.



Response syntax for status query:

%APNRATECTRL: <mode>,<cid>,<status>[,<remaining_time>]

Response syntax for configuration query:

%APNRATECTRL: <mode>,<cid>,<number_of_packets>,<time_window>

The set command parameters and their defined values are the following:

0 – Request APN rate control status for a CID.
1 – Request APN rate control configurations.
Integer, 0–10.
Mandatory in mode 0. Not used in mode 1.
0 – OFF. APN rate control is configured and currently not blocking uplink data.
1 – ON. APN rate control is configured and currently blocking uplink data.
2 – APN rate control is not configured for this CID.
0–604 800 – Remaining uplink data blocking time in seconds when status is 1.
Might be 0 if less than a full second remains, but blocking is still ON.
0–16 777 215 – Number of data packets that the User Equipment (UE) is allowed to send during the time period indicated in <time_window>.
Values 0,0 of <number_of_packets>,<time_window> indicate that APN rate control is not configured.
60–604 800 – Time window in seconds (1 minute to 1 week).

The following command example requests the status of CID 1. APN rate control is ON with one minute remaining:

%APNRATECTRL: 0,1,1,60

The following command example requests the status of CID 2. APN rate control is OFF:


The following command example requests APN rate control configurations. APN rate control is configured for CID 1 and 2:

%APNRATECTRL: 1,1,10,180
%APNRATECTRL: 1,2,100,60

The following command example requests APN rate control configurations. Only CID 0 is active. APN rate control is not configured: