Pin assignments

This section describes the pin assignment and the pin functions of the nRF9161.

The device provides flexibility when it comes to routing and configuration of the GPIO pins. However, for some pins there are recommendations on pin usage and configuration. See following table for more information about this.

LGA pin assignments

The pin assignment table and figure describe the assignments.

Figure 1. LGA pin assignments, top view
LGA pin assignments, top view

Table 1. LGA pin assignments
Pin no Pin name Function Description
1 GND Power Ground
2 P0.05 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
3 P0.06 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
4 P0.07 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
5 GND Power Ground
6 GND Power Ground
7 GND Power Ground
8 GND Power Ground
9 GND Power Ground
10 RES   Do not connect/reserved for future use
11 GND Power Ground
12 VDD_GPIO Power GPIO power supply input and logic level
13 DEC0 Power Power supply decoupling. Reserved for Nordic use.
14 GND Power Ground
15 P0.08 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
16 P0.09 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
17 GND Power Ground
18 P0.10 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
19 P0.11 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
20 P0.12 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
21 GND Power Ground
22 VDD2 Power Supply voltage input


Digital I/O (SoC)
Analog input

General purpose I/O
Analog input



Digital I/O (SoC)
Analog input

General purpose I/O
Analog input



Digital I/O (SoC)
Analog input

General purpose I/O
Analog input



Digital I/O (SoC)
Analog input

General purpose I/O
Analog input

27 GND Power Ground


Digital I/O (SoC)
Analog input

General purpose I/O
Analog input



Digital I/O (SoC)
Analog input

General purpose I/O
Analog input



Digital I/O (SoC)
Analog input

General purpose I/O
Analog input

31 GND Power Ground
32 nRESET Digital I/O (SoC) SoC reset pin 1,2
33 SWDCLK Digital input Serial wire debug clock input for debug and programming
34 SWDIO Digital I/O Serial wire debug I/O for debug and programming


Digital I/O (SoC)
Analog input

General purpose I/O
Analog input

36 GND Power Ground


Digital I/O (SoC)
Trace clock

General purpose I/O
Trace buffer clock (optional)



Digital I/O (SoC)
Trace data

General purpose I/O
Trace buffer TRACEDATA[0] (optional)



Digital I/O (SoC)
Trace data

General purpose I/O
Trace buffer TRACEDATA[1] (optional)



Digital I/O (SoC)
Trace data

General purpose I/O
Trace buffer TRACEDATA[2] (optional)

41 GND Power Ground


Digital I/O (SoC)
Trace data

General purpose I/O
Trace buffer TRACEDATA[3] (optional)

43 SIM_RST Digital I/O (SoC) SIM reset
44 GND Power Ground
45 SIM_DET Digital I/O (SoC)

SIM detect
Not used. Must be left floating.

46 SIM_CLK Digital I/O (SoC) SIM clock
47 GND Power Ground
48 SIM_IO Digital I/O (SoC) SIM data
49 SIM_1V8 Power SIM 1.8 V power supply output
50 GND Power Ground
51 RES   Do not connect/reserved for future use
52 GND Power Ground
53 MAGPIO2 Digital I/O (SoC) 1.8 V general purpose I/O
54 MAGPIO1 Digital I/O (SoC) 1.8 V general purpose I/O
55 MAGPIO0 Digital I/O (SoC) 1.8 V general purpose I/O
56 GND Power Ground
57 VIO Power MIPI RFFE control interface
58 SCLK Digital I/O (SoC) MIPI RFFE control interface
59 SDATA Digital I/O (SoC) MIPI RFFE control interface
60 GND Power Ground
61 ANT RF Single-ended 50 Ω LTE antenna pin
62 GND Power Ground
63 GND Power Ground
64 AUX RF Single-ended 50 Ω ANT loop-back pin
65 GND Power Ground
66 GND Power Ground
67 GPS RF Single-ended 50 Ω GPS input pin
68 GND Power Ground
69 GND Power Ground
70 RES   Do not connect/reserved for future use
71 RES   Do not connect/reserved for future use
72 GND Power Ground
73 RES   Do not connect/reserved for future use
74 GND Power Ground
75 GND Power Ground
76 GND Power Ground
77 GND Power Ground
78 GND Power Ground
79 GND Power Ground
80 GND Power Ground
81 GND Power Ground
82 GND Power Ground
83 P0.26 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
84 P0.27 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
85 GND Power Ground
86 P0.28 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
87 P0.29 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
88 P0.30 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
89 P0.31 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
90 GND Power Ground
91 COEX2 Digital I/O (SoC) Coexistence interface
92 COEX1 Digital I/O (SoC) Coexistence interface
93 COEX0 Digital I/O (SoC) Coexistence interface
94 GND Power Ground
95 P0.00 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
96 P0.01 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
97 P0.02 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
98 GND Power Ground
99 P0.03 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
100 P0.04 Digital I/O (SoC) General purpose I/O
101 ENABLE  

Enable for the SiP internal regulator for the nRF91 SoC.

Note: The nRF91 will not start until this pin is enabled.
102 VDD1 Power Supply voltage
103 GND Power Ground
104-127 RES   Do not connect/reserved for future use
1 External pull-up not allowed.
2 For implementations that require the ERASEALL functionality, enable access to the nRESET pin. See Erase all for more information.