AHB multilayer

AHB multilayer enables parallel access paths between multiple masters and slaves in a system. Access is resolved using priorities.

Each bus master is connected to the slave devices using an interconnection matrix. The bus masters are assigned priorities. Priorities are used to resolve access when two (or more) bus masters request access to the same slave device. The following applies:

Below is a list of bus masters in the system and their priorities.

Table 1. AHB bus masters (listed in priority order, highest to lowest)
Bus master name Description
SPIM0/SPIS0 Same priority and mutually exclusive
CCM/ECB/AAR Same priority and mutually exclusive
TWIM0/TWIS0 Same priority and mutually exclusive

Defined bus masters are the CPU and the peripherals with implemented EasyDMA, and the available slaves are RAM AHB slaves. How the bus masters and slaves are connected using the interconnection matrix is illustrated in Memory.