[172] RADIO: Bluetooth Long Range co-channel performance

This anomaly applies to IC Rev. Engineering C, build codes CKAA-CA0, QIAA-CA0.

It was inherited from the previous IC revision Engineering B.


Packet loss when a blocker signal is present.


Bluetooth Long Range (Ble_LR125Kbit or Ble_LR500Kbit). Blocker signal present at the same or nearby RF frequency.


Fails Bluetooth test with co-channel interference (RF-PHY/RCV/BV-29-C) without firmware workaround.


Workaround is incorporated into S140 SoftDevice v6.1.1 and the DTM example in SDK v15.3.0. See the following document for a description of the workarounds:

nRF52840 Errata Attachment Anomaly 172 Addendum The performances can be improved further by updating the RSSI calibration value with the following workaround supported in SoftDevice 7.2, 7.3, 8.0, and later:

void ftpan_172_func(void)
 *((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000154Cul) = 0x80000400ul;
//for SD7.2.0 
int main(void)
 const struct { void (*ftpan_172_func_ptr)(void); } ftpan_172_func_struct = { ftpan_172_func };
 sd_ble_opt_set(BLE_GAP_OPT_BASE + 6, (const ble_opt_t *) &ftpan_172_func_struct);
//for SD8.x.x
int main(void)
 const struct { void (*ftpan_172_func_ptr)(void); } ftpan_172_func_struct = { ftpan_172_func };
 sd_ble_opt_set(0xF2, (const ble_opt_t *) &ftpan_172_func_struct);