nRF5 SDK for Thread v0.9.0
Thread NCP Example

The Thread NCP example demonstrates an OpenThread application that can serve as a low-power wireless Network Co-Processor (NCP) to communicate with Userspace WPAN Network Daemon (wpantund) on Unix-like operating systems. This example has similar functionality as the NCP example available in the official OpenThread repository, but has been adapted to use with the nRF5 SDK. For additional information on wpantund, refer to wpantund on GitHub on GitHub.


This example can be used along with Nordic’s Border Router solution to provide Internet connectivity to the Thread network. For more information about NCP and Border Router cooperation, refer to Thread Border Router.

The NCP application starts in disconnected state, and remains so until it is appropriately configured by the Border Router. After NCP is connected to the Border Router and the Border Router is rebooted, NCP will try to connect to the existing network or form a new one.

Network state is indicated by BSP_LED_0. When the device is not connected to a network, the LED blinks at a 200 ms period. Once the device connects to a network, either as a Child or as a Leader, the LED stops blinking and remains turned on.


Currently, only the GCC project is supported. You can find the source code and the make file in the following folder: <InstallFolder>\examples\thread\experimental\ncp


To test this example, you need the Nordic's Border Router and a node that can connect to the Internet.

  1. Build the project by running the make command in the project folder. Note that you must have the make tool available on your system. If you are using Windows, you can use the MinGW environment (
  2. Program a development board with the NCP application.
  3. Connect the board to the Border Router through USB.
  4. Run the Border Router.
  5. You can use the Thread Cloud CoAP Client Example to test connectivity to the Internet.

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