nRF5 SDK for Thread v0.9.0
Thread Simple CoAP Client, MTD CoAP Client, and Simple Server Examples

The Thread MTD CoAP Client, Thread Simple CoAP Client, and Thread Simple CoAP Server examples demonstrate interactions between nodes performing different Thread roles with the use of OpenThread and built-in CoAP protocol. Thread Simple CoAP Client and Thread Simple CoAP Server examples demonstrate Full Thread Device functionality (Thread Router role and REED role). Thread MTD CoAP Client example demonstrates Minimal Thread Device functionality (Minimal End Device role and Sleepy End Device role).

The client node can control the state of BSP_LED_3 on server nodes. It can turn on the LED either on every server node in the network with a multicast message, or on a single specific server node that is paired with the client node. Simple CoAP Client and Simple CoAP Server examples implement the CLI interface, so more advanced users can communicate with the nodes through a serial port and configure them manually. MTD CoAP Client does not implement a CLI interface.


Both the client and the server indicate their network state on BSP_LED_0. When the device is not connected to the network, the LED blinks at a 100 ms period. Once the device connects to a network, either as a Child or as a Leader, the LED stops blinking and remains turned on.

On startup, nodes automatically enter the network with default parameters. The first device that is turned on becomes a Leader of the network, while the rest of the nodes become Children and Routers. Note that an MTD CoAP client cannot become a Leader because MTD nodes do not support the Leader role.


The application layer of the example is built on top of the CoAP protocol. The server nodes provide two resources:

The only action that is triggered by a button on the server node is enabling the pairing mechanism. Once BSP_BUTTON_3 is pressed on the server node, it accepts requests on the /provisioning resource for five seconds. This is indicated by rapid blinking of BSP_LED_2. When pairing is disabled, either by receiving the request or by timeout, the LED is turned off.

The /light resource controls BSP_LED_3. It accepts three commands: LIGHT_TOGGLE, LIGTH_ON, and LIGHT_OFF. This resource accepts both multicast and unicast requests.

Server LED assignments:

Server button assignments:


The client node is controlled by specific actions triggered by pressing of the buttons:

By default, each client node can send multicast requests on the /light resource. Once a client node is paired with a server node, it can control the specific node using BSP_BUTTON_0. Note that sending unicast and multicast requests alternatively may result in no reaction to a multicast request on specific nodes because they may receive, for example, a LIGHT_ON command, while their LED is already on.

Client LED assignments:

Client button assignments:

MTD Client

The MTD node starts in the lowest-power SED state. The SED state is characterized by a disabled receiver and a sleeping CPU. The node can then enter the MED state, which involves lower latency but higher power consumption. In the MED state, the CPU is also sleeping, but the radio is enabled.

If an MTD node is battery powered, it is recommended to set the SW6 switch to nRF_ONLY. This will result in powering off the LEDs and significant reduction of power consumption.

The MTD client node is controlled by specific actions triggered by pressing of the buttons:

Client LED assignments:

MTD client button assignments:


To enable pairing of a server node with a client node dynamically during runtime, a simple pairing mechanism has been implemented. This mechanism is not a part of Thread or CoAP specification, and was provided for the purpose of this example.

To pair a server node with a client node, you must first enable pairing on the server side. It can be done by pressing BSP_BUTTON_3 on the server node. Once the button is pressed, the node will wait for five seconds for the pairing message. This is indicated by rapid blinking of BSP_LED_2. When the pairing message is received, the server replies with pairing confirmation, and then disables the pairing and stops blinking on BSP_LED_2.

Once pairing on any server node is enabled, the client can send a pairing request message. It is a multicast CoAP message on the /provisioning resource and is triggered by pressing BSP_BUTTON_3. The client will store the data of the first server node that responds to the pairing message. Therefore, it is advised not to enable pairing on more than one server node at a time, as the result may be nondeterministic.

When the devices are paired, the client node can control BSP_LED_3 on the specific server node by sending a unicast message when BSP_BUTTON_0 is pressed. A single client node can be paired with only one server node, but multiple clients can control a single server node. The pairing procedure can be repeated to change the server that the client is paired with.


Currently, only the GCC project is supported. You can find the source code and the make files in the following folders:


  1. Build the projects by running the make command in the project folder. Note that you must have the make tool available on your system. If you are using Windows, you can use the MinGW environment (
  2. Program one or more boards with the Thread Simple CoAP Client, the Thread Simple CoAP Server, and the Thread MTD CoAP Client examples.
  3. Turn on the Simple CoAP Server or Simple CoAP Client node and wait until BSP_LED_0 stops blinking. The node will become the Leader of the network.
  4. Turn on any of the other nodes. They will enter the network as Children, and Simple CoAP Client or Simple CoAP Server nodes will gradually become Routers.
  5. You can control BSP_LED_3 on every server node by pressing BSP_BUTTON _1 on any client node.
  6. Pair a client with a server. Press BSP_BUTTON_3 on a server node to enable pairing. Then, press BSP_BUTTON_3 on any client node to pair the two nodes. You can now control the BSP_LED_3 on this server node by pressing BSP_BUTTON _0 on the client node.
  7. Optionally, you can connect to any of the Simple CoAP Server or Simple CoAP Client nodes through a serial port and run CLI commands. The application uses the following UART settings:
    • Baud rate: 115.200
    • 8 data bits
    • 1 stop bit
    • No parity
    • HW flow control: None
    For complete CLI documentation, refer to OpenThread CLI Reference.

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