nRF5 SDK v15.2.0
CryptoCell API

nRF52840 only: Application Programming Interface for CryptoCell. More...


 CryptoCell AES-CCM APIs
 CryptoCell CHACHA APIs
 CryptoCell DH APIs
 CryptoCell EC 25519 curve APIs
 This group is the cryptocell EC 25519 curve root group.
 CryptoCell ECC APIs
 This group is the cryptocell ECC root group.
 CryptoCell general base error codes
 CryptoCell HASH APIs
 CryptoCell HMAC Key Derivation APIs
 CryptoCell HMAC APIs
 CryptoCell Key Derivation APIs
 CryptoCell PKA group
 This group is the cryptocell PKA root group.
 CryptoCell POLY APIs
 CryptoCell Random Generator APIs
 CryptoCell RSA APIs
 This group is the cryptocell ECC root group.
 CryptoCell SRP APIs
 CryptoCell library basic APIs
 CryptoCell AES APIs
 CryptoCell PAL APIs
 This group is the PAL root group.
 CryptoCell SRAM mapping APIs
 CryptoCell utility APIs
 This group is the utility apis group.

Detailed Description

nRF52840 only: Application Programming Interface for CryptoCell.

The CryptoCell API is a proprietary and confidential API owned by ARM Limited. Nordic Semiconductor is granted rights to distribute this API as part of nRF5 SDKs. See the license information at external\nrf_cc310\license.txt if you plan to use this API.

The CryptoCell API uses the nrf_cc310 runtime library that is available at external\nrf_cc310\lib to control the CryptoCell hardware. See nrf_cc310 and ARM TrustZone CryptoCell for supported features.

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