nRF5 SDK v14.2.0
Experimental: CryptoCell library
This information applies to the nRF52840 SoC only.

ARM TrustZone CryptoCell is a hardware accelerator that is available in the nRF52840 SoC. It adds hardware support for a range of security features, including advanced features that are not covered by the Cryptography library. See the nRF52840 Product Specification for detailed information about CryptoCell.

Hardware-accelerated security operations are usually faster and consume less power than the software backend that is used by the Cryptography library. However, the CryptoCell library requires hardware support and is therefore available only on the nRF52840 SoC.

The CryptoCell library supports the following cryptographic routines:

Using the CryptoCell library

To use CryptoCell functionality, link in the runtime library nrf_cc310. The library is available in the external\nrf_cc310\lib folder. See the CryptoCell API for an overview of available functionality.

For examples of API usage, see the Experimental: CryptoCell Example.

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