nRF5 SDK v14.1.0
Transport Layer Security on nRF5
This information applies to the following SoftDevice: S132


Transport Layer Security (TLS) ensures privacy between server and client endpoints by providing protection against eavesdropping and the tampering of data exchanged between the communicating endpoints.

The Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) defines transport layer security for datagram protocols thereby providing communications privacy for datagram protocols. The DTLS protocol is based on the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol and provides equivalent security guarantees. TLS assumes a reliable transport and breaks when re-hosted on an unreliable transport. DTLS aims at fixing this problem by proposing changes to allow the reordering of packets and by implementing retransmission timers to handle packet loss.

CoAP defines DTLS bindings for secure communication. MQTT defines bindings for TLS.

The term TLS covers both security for TCP and UDP transport types, this means DTLS is implied if the transport type is UDP.
Figure 1. End to end security with TLS/DTLS

Figure 2 below shows the position of the TLS/DTLS layers in the Nordic IoT SDK.

Figure 2: Transport Layer Security on nRF5x

Nordic's TLS Abstraction Interface

To avoid binding the users of the SDK with a specific TLS library, an abstracted interface is used in the SDK. This abstraction of TLS/DTLS is defined in TLS on nRF5x. CoAP and MQTT rely on availability of this interface for securing their respective transport layers.

Figure 3: Nordic's TLS Abstraction Interface

In the SDK, mbedtls is used to provide the TLS interface to the IoT protocols.

Please read and understand the terms of use of mbedtls, which is published under the Apache 2.0 license.
The current interface is minimalistic and strips down many of the functionalities like the session tickets, session caching etc. The interface will be extended in the future to add the relevant features.

Feature Configuration Summary

Currently DTLS and TLS are maintained as two different configurations. The table below summarizes the features supported in the two configurations.

Feature DTLS TLS
Role Server and Client Client only
Max Fragment Length 1024 3072
Maximum concurrent sessions 2 1
The raw public key mandated by RFC 7252 is not supported.

Configuration of mbedtls as TLS client used in all MQTT examples can be found at
<InstallFolder>components/iot/tls/mbedtls/tls/config. Configuration of mbedtls as DTLS server and client used for CoAP DTLS examples can be found at

Application Interface

This section describes the application interface of this module.

Version and Reference

The repository for mbedtls source is located at mbedTLS GitHub. mbedtls version included in the SDK is the tag mbedtls-2.4.2, corresponding hash is 59ae96f167a19f4d04dc6db61f6587b37ccd429f.

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