nRF5 SDK v14.1.0

The nRF5 SDK documentation includes descriptions and other reference material to help you understand the various components of the SDK. Examples are provided for development purposes only and should always be tested with your design.

See Getting Started for instructions on how to run the provided examples.

This version of the SDK supports the following SoftDevices:

The nRF5 SDK v14.1.0 provides experimental support for the nRF52840 SoC. However, not all features are supported on nRF52840. See the release notes for details.

This SDK supports developing for nRF52810 on the PCA10040 board. See Developing for nRF52810 for details.

To download a copy of the SDK documentation for offline use, go to

SDK Release Notes:

nRF5 SDK v14.1.0
Release Date: Week 42, 2017


- Integrated nRF5 IoT SDK into nRF5 SDK. Subsequent updates of IoT components will be available through nRF5 SDK.
  This release marks IoT SDK v1.0.0. The IoT SDK is no longer prototype.
- Added Segger Embedded Studio (SES) IDE support.
- The new SoC nRF52810 supported for the BLE examples using the new S112 SoftDevice and for a few peripheral examples.
  Examples targeting this new device are located in the 'PCA10040E' folder.
  For more details, see 'Developing for nRF52810' in the SDK documentation.
- Support for the new S112 SoftDevice.
  Added new S112 target for most of the Bluetooth Peripheral examples.
- The NFC library includes an API change that may need extra attention. See Changes -> NFC BLE Pairing Library.

The following toolchains/devices have been used for testing and
- SES: SES 3.30
- ARM: MDK-ARM version 5.18a
- GCC: GCC ARM Embedded 4.9 2015q3
- IAR: IAR Workbench 7.80.4
- Linux: Ubuntu 17.04, Kernel 4.10.0. (for the 6LoWPAN Border Router)
- J-link: 6.20d

Supported SoftDevices:
- S112 v5.1.0-2.alpha
- S132 v5.0.x
- S140 v5.0.0-2.alpha
- S212 v5.0.x
- S332 v5.0.x

Supported boards:
- PCA10040E (nRF52810 emulation on PCA10040)
- PCA10040
- PCA10056 (limited support; see the "Scope for the nRF52840 chip" section)
- Dynastream's D52DK1 (only for ANT examples)

For other devices and boards, see the SDK documentation, section "Using
the SDK with other boards".

*** Scope for the nRF52840 chip
All examples and libraries for the new chip must be treated as
Some examples have not been ported to run on nRF52840. Check the
existing example projects to see which targets are supported.

The following SDK features are supported on the new nRF52840 chip:
   - IEEE 802.15.4 stack library with an example
   - Most BLE, hardware peripheral, and NFC examples (with some
     exceptions; see the available example projects for details)
   - Peripheral HAL and drivers (both for existing and new peripherals)
   - Cryptography library including CryptoCell CC310 backend
   - NFC Type 2 Tag and Type 4 Tag
   - Secure DFU (only with micro-ecc backend)
   - DTM including support for the new Bluetooth 5 features
   - Gazell

The following SDK features are not supported on the new nRF52840 chip:
   - ANT
   - Eddystone
   - ESB
   - FreeRTOS
   - IoT components
   - Serialization of the S140 SoftDevice v5.0.0-2.alpha

*** New features

** Common **
 - Added support for the new chip nRF52810.
 - New example flash_fstorage added to examples\peripheral\flash_fstorage.
   This example shows how to use the nrf_fstorage library.
 - New example flash_fds added to examples\peripheral\flash_fds.
   This example shows how to use the FDS library.
 - Added support in Segger Embedded Studio and armgcc for editing the sdk_config.h file in the external graphical editor (CMSIS Configuration Wizard).

** BLE **
 - Bluetooth Peripheral examples now support the S112 SoftDevice.
   S112 is designed to work with the new SoC nRF52810. Examples targeting this new device are located in folder 'PCA10040E'.
   See SDK documentation for more details.

 - Added support for IPSP (Internet Protocol Support Profile).
  IPSP is now based on production-quality SoftDevice S132 v5.0.0. The IPSP is, also, a qualified profile.
  The IPSP service uses L2CAP Connection Oriented Channels to transfer data between devices.
    - The profile implementation added to components\ble\ble_services.
    - The IPSP Acceptor example added to examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_ipsp_acceptor.
    - The IPSP Initiator example added to examples\ble_central\ble_app_ipsp_initiator.

 - Added all IoT components, including BLE 6LoWPAN, Nordic's IPv6 Stack, CoAP, MQTT, DFU over TFTP, lwIP port on nRF platform, and others.
    - Changes in these components in comparison to IoT SDK v0.9.0 are described in the Changes section of the release notes.

 - The SDK now supports firmware upgrade over TFTP (IPv6).
    - This mechanism for updating the firmware was earlier available in the IoT SDK, and is now a part of the nRF SDK.

 - New example app_ble_gatts added to examples\ble_central\experimental\ble_app_gatts.
   This application can be used to test the Service Changed indications together with app_ble_gatts_c.

 - Added S332 projects in Heart Rate Sensor and Heart Rate Collector examples.

** ANT **
 - Added support for the new SoftDevices: S212 v5.0.x and S332 v5.0.x.
 - Added S332 examples: 'Ant Shared Channels' and 'ANT and BLE Heart Rate Monitor Relay Application'.
 - Added S332 projects in ANT Message Types and ANT Bootloader examples.

** NFC **
 - Dynamic NFCID1 configuration in Type 2 and Type 4 Tag libraries.

** USB (Experimental) **
NOTE: The USB implementation is currently experimental and work in progress. Because of this, the code base and APIs
will change in-between SDK versions and will not necessarily be backwards compatible. This also applies to minor and
bugfix versions. Migration notes might not be complete for these changes.
 - nrf_drv_usbd:
    - New API function nrf_drv_usbd_ep_dtoggle_clear() implemented.
 - app_usbd:
    - Added a new function app_usbd_sof_timestamp_get() and its configuration APP_USBD_PROVIDE_SOF_TIMESTAMP.
      This function may be used to stamp the timing of the logger messages.
    - Interface selection mechanism provided.
      Currently, every class that contains alternate interface settings requires the class methods
      iface_select, iface_deselect, and iface_selection_get to be implemented.
      No action is required if only the classes provided in the SDK are used.
    - New event implemented:
      APP_USBD_EVT_STATE_CHANGED – called when the state of USB interface is updated.

** DTM **
 - Added support for the new SoC nRF52810.

** Serialization **
 - Added solution for serialization of the combined BLE and ANT SoftDevice, using the ble_ant_app_hrm example as the use case.
 - Added BLE connectivity (S132) support for nRF52810 (emulated on PCA10040).

** Drivers and libraries **
 - Added examples: UART and SAADC for nRF52810.
  Examples targeting this new chip are located in the 'PCA10040E' folder. See SDK documentation for more details.
 - Added the sorted list module (nrf_sortlist).

** IOT **
 - Added experimental examples under the "examples\iot" folder and libraries in the "components\iot" folder.
  They show the usage of IPv6 over Bluetooth low energy using IPSP and 6LoWPAN. The demonstrated protocols include:
    - BSD Sockets,
    - UDP and TCP,
    - DTLS and TLS,
    - CoAP and Secure CoAP,
    - MQTT and Secure MQTT,
    - TFTP and LWM2M,
    - Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) over TFTP,
    - DNS, ICMP, and SNTP.

*** Changes

** BLE **
 - BLE event handler priorities have changed (BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO).
    - The order of some module BLE event handlers has been changed. This means that compiling
      new sdk_config.h files with old modules might lead to crashes.
    - A new priority has been added, and all BLE applications have been changed to have
      the new priority (NRF_SDH_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO_LEVELS has been changed from 3 to 4).
      This means that compiling new main files with old sdk_config.h files will not work
      unless NRF_SDH_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO_LEVELS is set to 4 or more.
 - Peer Manager
    - Added a new event PM_EVT_CONN_SEC_PARAMS_REQ and a new function pm_conn_sec_params_reply()
      to allow setting security parameters for individual security procedures. Calling
      pm_conn_sec_params_reply() is optional.
    - Added a new configuration parameter PM_CENTRAL_ENABLED which removes the pairing functionality
      for the central role when turned off, saving code size.
    - Added a new informational event PM_EVT_SLAVE_SECURITY_REQ. No further Peer Manager action is
      expected from the user in response to this event.
    - Added a new event PM_EVT_FLASH_GARBAGE_COLLECTED which indicates that garbage collection has happened
      in the flash storage, possibly freeing up space for new bonds.
    - Added new function pm_address_resolve() for resolving BLE addresses.
 - NFC BLE Pairing Library
    - Added library support for the PM_EVT_CONN_SEC_PARAMS_REQ event from the Peer Manager.
    After the change in Peer Manager priority, this change in API was necessary to properly support all pairing modes.
    Action: Call the nfc_ble_pair_on_pm_params_req() function inside the Peer Manager event handler in response to the
          // Send event to the NFC BLE pairing library as it may dynamically alternate
          // security parameters to achieve highest possible security level.
          err_code = nfc_ble_pair_on_pm_params_req(p_evt);
       } break;
 - The Heart Rate Application with BLE Pairing Using NFC Pairing Library now requires LESC
   pairing to enable Heart Rate notifications.
 - The LESC example now generates the DH key in the main thread so as not to hold up the
   SoftDevice's BLE event queue.

** BLE IoT **
 - Changes from the previous IoT SDK v0.9.0 release:
    - The 6LoWPAN library has been rewritten to adopt the new S132 v5.0.0 SoftDevice providing L2CAP Connection Oriented Channels feature.
      The library is now distributed in source code format and not as a precompiled library.
    - API breakers in many of the components including BLE IPSP, BLE 6LoWPAN, MQTT, nRF lwIP driver port, and background DFU.
    - Deprecated the cloud examples. Cloud services used in them were not suitable any more.
      The protocol features required to connect to a cloud are included and supported.
    - lwIP external component has been updated to version 2.0.2.
    - mbedTLS external component has been updated to version 2.4.2.

** NFC **
 - Removed the SoftDevice from the Writable NDEF Message example.
   This example no longer requires the SoftDevice.
 - All NFC libraries now have static configuration in the sdk_config.h file.

** USB (experimental) **
 - nrf_drv_usbd:
    - Endpoint transfers are no longer aborted inside the USB RESET handler,
      any transfer is now aborted when an endpoint is disabled.
    - The nrf_drv_usbd_transfer_out_drop() function now does not start any dummy transfer –  the endpoint is cleared by
      writing correct values to SIZE.EPOUT registers or backdoor interface for the sample chip.
    - Transfer can be started on a stalled endpoint.
      In the previous version, NRF_ERROR_FORBIDDEN error was returned.
      However, the possibility to stall the endpoint and prepare the answer that will be sent
      after the stall is cleared by the HOST appeared to be widely used in MSC.
    - Function rename: usbd_drv_ep_abort -> nrf_drv_usbd_ep_abort.
 - app_usbd:
    - All endpoints but 0 are disabled when the device is not configured.
      This matches USB requirements.
    - Function app_usbd_active_check provided – this allows to check whether
      there is any active USB traffic or interface is suspended.
      The app_usbd_state_t enumeration now provides no information about suspended states.
      Use app_usbd_active_check function whenever the SUSPEND state was checked via app_usbd_core_state_get function.
    - The SETUP event processing cleaned up, normalized, and documented.
      Clear rules for the order in which a class and default handlers are called.
    - Functions app_usbd_core_ep_(handled_)transfer() and app_usbd_core_setup_data_(handled_)transfer()
      unified and replaced by app_usbd_ep_(handled_)transfer functions:
          app_usbd_core_ep_transfer()                 -> app_usbd_ep_transfer()
          app_usbd_core_ep_handled_transfer()         -> app_usbd_ep_handled_transfer()
          app_usbd_core_setup_data_transfer()         -> app_usbd_ep_transfer()
          app_usbd_core_setup_data_handled_transfer() -> app_usbd_ep_handled_transfer()
  - Classes implementation:
    - Audio class implementation aligned to use the new alternate interface selection functionality.
    - MSC class implementation error handling totally rebuilt to match the specification.
      Now, it is stable and passes all USB precertification tests (with one small warning to be corrected in the future).

** Crypto **
 - Infineon Optiga Trust E communication library and authentication example are now in production quality.

** Drivers and libraries **
 - Command Line Interface (CLI) library is now in production quality.
 - Logger (nrf_log) can process logs after panic mode.
 - app_twi modules renamed to nrf_twi_mngr. Translation layer (app_twi.h) kept for backward compatibility.

*** Bugfixes

** BLE **
 - Peer Manager:
    - Fixed a bug where a bonded and encrypted link could have invalid peer ID when the
      Central uses a random non-resolvable address.
    - Fixed a bug where the Service Changed state was always reported as "true" when
    - Fixed a bug where peer rank was not written during pm_peer_rank_highest() if the
      highest ranked peer was deleted and the peer ID was reused, or if the peer rank
      value was manually changed or deleted.
    - Fixed a bug where pm_conn_sec_status() would incorrectly return false for bonded field when
      called during the PM_EVT_CONN_SEC_SUCCEEDED event for a reconnected bonded peer.
    - Fixed a bug where pm_conn_secure() would return an undocumented error code if called
      multiple times before the first procedure has completed.
    - Fixed the ordering of events from pm_peers_delete(). The PM_EVT_PEERS_DELETE_SUCCEEDED
      will now arrive after all PM_EVT_PEER_DELETE_SUCCEEDED events.
 - Fixed a bug in ble_app_queued_writes where the characteristic would use the BLE UUID type
   instead of a vendor type.
 - Fixed a bug in ble_app_gls where the connection handle would be unassigned before the
   disconnect call is issued (The connection handle is needed for the disconnect call).
 - Fixed a bug in ble_app_gls where the Record Access Control Point indications would not be retried if an indication procedure was already in progress.
 - Fixed a bug in ble_app_ancs_c where a missing C++ guard prevented it from compiling
   correctly using C++.
 - Fixed the LESC example so that it properly handles simultaneous security operations on both
   links (numeric match and DHKEY generation).
 - Fixed a bug in ble_app_ias_c where receiving a "Mild Alert" would print "No Alert" on the log, and "No Alert" would print "Mild Alert".
 - Fixed a bug in ble_app_cgms where the connection handle would be set to invalid before calling sd_ble_gap_disconnect(). This would cause the call to fail and the app would assert.
 - Fixed a bug in ble_app_hids_keyboard and ble_app_hids_mouse where the battery reading done before the connection was secured could cause the app to assert.
 - Fixed a bug in ble_app_multirole_lesc where it would not handle PHY update requests.
 - Fixed a bug that could prevent FDS from working properly when using the new nrf_fstorage_nvmc backend.
 - Fixed a bug that could prevent FDS from working properly when using the nrf_fstorage_sd backend with the SoftDevice disabled.
 - Keil will no longer delete the SoftDevice HEX file if the flash_softdevice target is compiled.

** Crypto **
 - Enforced the alignment on nrf_crypto buffers for signature types.
 - Removed an unused file (nrf_crypto.c) that would cause compilation errors for some users.

** DFU **
 - Added a workaround for updating SoftDevices with changed size (from SDK 12.x.y -> 14.1.x). See configuration parameter NRF_DFU_WORKAROUND_PRE_SDK_14_1_0_SD_BL_UPDATE.
** NFC **
 - Type 4 Tag HAL:
    - Handling of erroneous NFC-A data frames (with parity and CRC errors) has been

** USB (Experimental) **
 - HAL:
     - Function nrf_usbd_dtoggle_set() is fixed. The previous version was not functional.
       It was working in the examples thanks to the fact that nrf_usbd_dtoggle_get()
       function was called before every nrf_usbd_dtoggle_set().

** Drivers and libraries **
 - Fixed a bug where SPI MISO was missing a pulldown.
    Currently, the pulldown status can be configured with the SDK configuration parameter: NRF_SPI_DRV_MISO_PULLUP_CFG.
 - Fixed a bug where the length parameters passed to macro NRF_LOG_HEXDUMP_DEBUG were not calculated correctly.
 - Fixed a bug where a user could receive a "wrong configuration" error during the compilation of SPI driver.
 - Fixed a bug where extern "C" was not terminated correctly in the Logger module.
 - Fixed a bug in the PPI example where Timer 2 was not generating a CC event every odd second.
 - Fixed the header guard in the ble_l2cap_conn.h file.
 - Fixed a bug where nrf_log could crash when heavily loaded.
 - Fixed the pwm_library example which was not working correcly when compiled with highest optimization on IAR.

** Serialization **
 - Fixed encoding of ble_gap_data_length_params_t and ble_gap_data_length_limitation_t structures.
 - Fixed encoding of ble_gap_evt_auth_status_t::lesc.
 - Fixed serialization of GATT MTU value
 - Fixed improper configuration of scheduler event size in serialized examples

*** Known Issues

** BLE **
 - When working on the emulated nRF52810 target, if you change the optimization level and/or add the logging functionality, the project might not compile or fail at runtime due to not enough flash available for FDS or Peer Manager.
 - All Bluetooth applications not using the nrf_queued_write module will assert when a peer sends a Write request with the opcode 'cancel all operations' (BLE_GATTS_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ_CANCEL), after the SoftDevice call to sd_ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply. This SoftDevice call, for the opcode 'cancel all operations', returns NRF_INVALID_PARAMS if the gatt_status is not BLE_GATT_STATUS_SUCCESS.

** BLE IOT **
 - Neighbor discovery module for lwIP requires the on-link flag in the router advertisement to be set in order to create a SLAAC address from the prefix. However, RFC 7668 ( requires this bit to be zero. Therefore, the nd6.c from lwIP source has been modified to relax this check.
 - There are some issues when using the IoT examples against Linux Kernel 4.12+ which causes the kernel to only work with one 6LoWPAN connection. If more than one kit is connected using 6LoWPAN, none of the nodes will be accessible.
 - Scheduler has been included in most IoT examples to avoid race conditions found when using lwIP stack, more precisely the TCP examples.
   The issue was that the TCP client stopped working after about 15 hours. However, when using mbedTLS, the use of scheduler is not possible.
   Therefore, the MQTT client examples might be affected by this issue.
 - The use of security, both with TLS and DTLS, should be treated as experimental.
 - MQTT examples cannot be used with commissioning. There is not enough RAM to accommodate both TLS and the commissioning service.

** NFC **
 - NFC Type 2 and Type 4 Tag HAL modules require using TIMER 4 on nRF52832.
 - Some mobile phone apps cannot write Type 4 Tag ("NFC Tools" and "TagWriter" v4.1
   seem to be okay to use).

** USB (experimental) **
 - MSC implementation does not stall when the host requires more bytes than are available in the selected descriptor. It is not a problem for any tested driver on Windows and Linux, but still violates the specification.
 - During high USB traffic, in rare cases, communication might hang or the endpoint data might be transferred twice. See PAN 104.

** Drivers and libraries **
  - SAADC driver is not handling detection limits 'high' and 'low' correctly if SAADC resolution is greater than 10 bits.

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