nRF5 SDK v13.1.0
Hardware peripheral examples

The following Hardware Peripheral device examples are available for the nRF5 chip:

Blinky Example

Blinky FreeRTOS Example

Blinky SysTick Example

BSP Example

Capacitive Sensor Library Example

Capacitive Sensor Low-level Example

Command Line Interface (CLI) Example

Flash Write Example

FPU FFT Example

GFX Library Example

GPIOTE Example

I2S Loopback Example

LED Softblink Example

Low-Power PWM Example

LPCOMP Example

Pin Change Interrupt Example

Power Management Example

PPI Example

Preflash Example

PWM Driver Example

PWM Library Example

QDEC Example

Radio Receiver Example

Radio Transmitter Example

Radio Test Example

RAM Retention Example

Random Number Generator Example

Real Time Counter Example

SAADC Example

SD Card Example

Serial Port Library Example

SPI Master Example

SPI Slave Example

SPI Transaction Manager Example

Temperature Example

TWI Scanner Example

TWI Sensor Example

TWI Transaction Manager Example

TWIS Slave and TWI Master mode drivers Example

Timer Example

Simple Timer Example

UART Example

UICR Config Example

WDT Example

Experimental: QSPI Example  nRF52840 only

Experimental: USB examples  nRF52840 only

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