nRF5 SDK v12.3.0
BLE Peripheral
This information applies to the following SoftDevices: S130, S132, S332

The following examples demonstrate the BLE Peripheral role:

Alert Notification Application

Apple Notification Center Service (ANCS) Client Application

Beacon Transmitter Sample Application

Blood Pressure Application

Current Time Application

Cycling Speed and Cadence Application

Eddystone Beacon Application

Glucose Application

Health Thermometer Application

Heart Rate Application

Heart Rate Application with FreeRTOS

Heart Rate Application with RTX  nRF51 Series only

HID Keyboard Application

HID Mouse Application

Multiprotocol Application

Power Profiling Application

Proximity Application

Running Speed and Cadence Application

Template Application

UART/Serial Port Emulation over BLE

Experimental: BLE Blinky Application

Experimental: Bluetooth Developer Studio Example

Experimental: Bond Management Application

Experimental: Buttonless DFU Template Application

Experimental: Continuous Glucose Monitoring Application

Experimental: Heart Rate Application with BLE pairing using NFC  nRF52 Series only

Experimental: HID Keyboard Application with BLE pairing using NFC  nRF52 Series only

Experimental: Location and Navigation Application

Experimental: Queued Writes Application

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