S310 SoftDevice v3.0.0
API Reference
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 1234]
oANT STACKAPIs for the ANT Stack
|\ANT Application InterfaceANT Stack Application Programming Interface (API)
| oANT Error Return
| \ANT Stack Parameters
oBLE SoftDevice CommonType definitions, macros, error codes, SVC and event number subranges etc. common to all S310 SoftDevice modules
|oEvents, type definitions and API callsModule independent events, type definitions and API calls for the BLE SoftDevice
|oGeneral error codesGeneral error code definitions for the BLE API
|oModule specific error code subrangesAssignment of subranges for module specific error codes
|oBluetooth status codes
|oModule specific SVC, event and option number subrangesDefinition of SVC, event and option number subranges for each API module
|oCommon types and macro definitionsCommon types and macro definitions for the BLE SoftDevice
|\SoftDevice Global Error CodesGlobal Error definitions
| \Error Codes Base number definitions
oSoftDevice Manager APIAPIs for SoftDevice management
|oSoftDevice Manager Error CodesError definitions for the SDM API
oSoC Library APIAPIs for the SoC library
|oSoC Library Error CodesError definitions for the SoC library
oMaster Boot Record APIAPIs for updating SoftDevice and BootLoader
oGeneric Access Profile (GAP)Definitions and prototypes for the GAP interface
||oSVC return values specific to GAP
||oGAP Roles
||oGAP Timeout sources
||oGAP Address types
||oGAP Address cycle modes
||oGAP Advertising and Scan Response Data format
||oGAP Advertisement Flags
||oGAP Advertising interval max and min
||oGAP Scan interval max and min
||oGAP Scan window max and min
||oGAP Scan timeout max and min
||oGAP Advertising types
||oGAP Advertising filter policies
||oGAP Advertising timeout values
||oGAP Discovery modes
||oGAP IO Capabilities
||oGAP Authentication Key Types
||oGAP Security status
||oGAP Security status sources
||oGAP Connection Parameters Limits
||oGAP attribute security requirement setters
||\GAP Security Modes
oGeneric Attribute Profile (GATT) ClientDefinitions and prototypes for the GATT Client interface
||\SVC return values specific to GATTC
oGeneric Attribute Profile (GATT) CommonCommon definitions and prototypes for the GATT interfaces
||oGATT Timeout sources
||oGATT Write operations
||oGATT Execute Write flags
||oGATT Handle Value operations
||oGATT Status Codes
||oCharacteristic Presentation Formats
||\GATT Bluetooth Namespaces
oGeneric Attribute Profile (GATT) ServerDefinitions and prototypes for the GATTS interface
||oSVC return values specific to GATTS
||oMaximum attribute lengths
||oGATT Server Service Types
||oGATT Server Attribute Types
||oGATT Server Operations
||oGATT Value Locations
||oGATT Server Authorization Types
||oSystem Attribute Flags
||\Attribute Table size
\Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP)Definitions and prototypes for the L2CAP interface
 |\SVC return values specific to L2CAP

This document was last updated on Mon Nov 9 2015.
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