BLE SoftDevice Common | Type definitions, macros, error codes, SVC and event number subranges etc. common to all S140 SoftDevice modules |
Bluetooth status codes | |
Common types and macro definitions | Common types and macro definitions for the BLE SoftDevice |
Defines | |
Assigned Values for BLE UUIDs | |
BLE Connection Handles | |
Bluetooth Appearance values | |
Types of UUID | |
Structures | |
Events, type definitions and API calls | Module independent events, type definitions and API calls for the BLE SoftDevice |
Defines | |
Advertiser Role Scheduling Configuration | |
Configuration defaults. | |
User Memory Types | |
Vendor Specific base UUID counts | |
Enumerations | |
Functions | |
Structures | |
General error codes | General error code definitions for the BLE API |
Message Sequence Charts | |
BLE Stack Enable | |
Connection Configuration | |
Interrupt-driven Event Retrieval | |
Thread Mode Event Retrieval | |
Module specific SVC, event and option number subranges | Definition of SVC, event and option number subranges for each API module |
Module specific error code subranges | Assignment of subranges for module specific error codes |
SoftDevice Global Error Codes | Global Error definitions |
Error Codes Base number definitions | |
Generic Access Profile (GAP) | Definitions and prototypes for the GAP interface |
Defines | |
Advertising data sizes. | |
Authenticated payload timeout defines. | |
GAP Address types | |
GAP Advertisement Flags | |
GAP Advertising Set Terminated reasons | |
GAP Advertising and Scan Response Data format | |
GAP Advertising data status | |
GAP Advertising filter policies | |
GAP Advertising interval max and min | |
GAP Advertising timeout values in 10 ms units | |
GAP Advertising types | |
GAP Authentication Key Types | |
GAP Connection Parameters Limits | |
GAP Discovery modes | |
GAP IO Capabilities | |
GAP Keypress Notification Types | |
GAP Minimum scanner buffer size | |
GAP PHYs | |
GAP Roles | |
GAP Scan interval max and min | |
GAP Scan timeout max and min | |
GAP Scan window max and min | |
GAP Scanner filter policies | |
GAP Security Modes | |
GAP Security status | |
GAP Security status sources | |
GAP Timeout sources | |
GAP attribute security requirement setters | |
GAP concurrent connection count defines. | |
GAP device name defines. | |
GAP event length defines. | |
Privacy modes | |
Quality of Service (QoS) Channel survey interval defines | |
SVC return values specific to GAP | |
Enumerations | |
Functions | |
Message Sequence Charts | |
Advertising | |
Advertising using extended advertising PDUs | |
Advertising using legacy advertising PDUs | |
Central Connection Establishment and Termination | |
Connecting to advertisers performing extended advertising | |
Connecting to legacy advertisers | |
Central Connection Parameter Update | |
Central Connection Parameter Update on multiple links | |
Central Control Procedure Serialization on multiple links | |
Central Security Procedures | |
Central Encryption and Authentication mutual exclusion | |
Central LESC Pairing | |
Bonding: Numeric Comparison | |
Bonding: Out of Band | |
Bonding: Passkey Entry: Central Displays | |
Bonding: Passkey Entry: User Inputs on Central | |
Pairing: Just Works | |
Central Legacy Pairing | |
Bonding: Just Works | |
Bonding: Passkey Entry, Central displays | |
Bonding: Passkey Entry, User Inputs on Central or OOB | |
Pairing: Just Works | |
Encryption Establishment using stored keys | |
Security Request Reception | |
Unexpected Security Packet Reception | |
Data Length Update Procedure | |
PHY Update Procedure | |
Central PHY Update | |
Peripheral PHY Update | |
Peripheral Connection Establishment and Termination | |
Peripheral Connection Parameter Update | |
Peripheral Security Procedures | |
GAP Failed Pairing: Keysize too small | |
Pairing failure: Keysize out of supported range | |
Pairing failure: Pairing aborted by the application | |
Pairing failure: Pairing failed from central | |
Pairing failure: Timeout | |
Peripheral Encryption Establishment using stored keys | |
Peripheral LESC Pairing | |
Bonding: Numeric Comparison | |
Bonding: Out of Band | |
Bonding: Passkey Entry, Peripheral Displays | |
Bonding: Passkey Entry, User Inputs on Peripheral | |
Pairing: Just Works | |
Peripheral Legacy Pairing | |
Bonding: Just Works | |
Bonding: Passkey Entry with static passkey | |
Bonding: Passkey Entry, Peripheral displays | |
Bonding: Passkey Entry, User Inputs on Peripheral or OOB | |
Pairing failure: Confirm failed | |
Pairing: Just Works | |
Peripheral Security Request | |
Unexpected Security Packet Reception | |
Privacy | |
Central Connection Establishment with Private Peer | |
Directed Advertising | |
Peripheral Connection Establishment with Private Peer | |
Private Advertising | |
Private Scanning | |
Scan Private Devices | |
RSSI for connections with event filter | |
RSSI get sample | |
Scanning | |
Scanning for advertisers performing legacy advertising | |
Scanning for advertisers performing legacy and extended advertising | |
Whitelist Sharing | |
Structures | |
Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) Client | Definitions and prototypes for the GATT Client interface |
Defines | |
Attribute Information Formats | |
GATT Client defaults | |
SVC return values specific to GATTC | |
Enumerations | |
Functions | |
Message Sequence Charts | |
GATTC ATT_MTU Exchange | |
GATTC Characteristic Discovery | |
GATTC Characteristic Value Write Without Response | |
GATTC Characteristic or Descriptor Value Long Write | |
GATTC Characteristic or Descriptor Value Read | |
GATTC Characteristic or Descriptor Value Reliable Write | |
GATTC Characteristic or Descriptor Value Write | |
GATTC Descriptor Discovery | |
GATTC Handle Value Indication | |
GATTC Handle Value Notification | |
GATTC Primary Service Discovery | |
GATTC Read Characteristic Value by UUID | |
GATTC Read Multiple Characteristic Values | |
GATTC Relationship Discovery | |
GATTC Timeout | |
Structures | |
Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) Common | Common definitions and prototypes for the GATT interfaces |
Defines | |
Characteristic Presentation Formats | |
GATT Bluetooth Namespaces | |
GATT Execute Write flags | |
GATT Handle Value operations | |
GATT Status Codes | |
GATT Timeout sources | |
GATT Write operations | |
Structures | |
Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) Server | Definitions and prototypes for the GATTS interface |
Defines | |
Attribute Table size | |
GATT Server Attribute Types | |
GATT Server Authorization Types | |
GATT Server Operations | |
GATT Server Service Types | |
GATT Server defaults | |
GATT Value Locations | |
Maximum attribute lengths | |
SVC return values specific to GATTS | |
Service Changed Inclusion Values | |
System Attribute Flags | |
Enumerations | |
Functions | |
Message Sequence Charts | |
GATTS ATT Table Population | |
GATTS ATT_MTU Exchange | |
GATTS Handle Value Indication | |
GATTS Handle Value Indication or Notification disabled | |
GATTS Handle Value Indication or Notification with System Attributes Missing | |
GATTS Handle Value Notification | |
GATTS Queued Writes: App handled, no attributes require authorization | |
GATTS Queued Writes: App handled, one or more attributes require authorization | |
GATTS Queued Writes: Execute Write without Prepare Write | |
GATTS Queued Writes: Peer cancels operation | |
GATTS Queued Writes: Prepare Queue Full | |
GATTS Queued Writes: Stack handled, no attributes require authorization | |
GATTS Queued Writes: Stack handled, one or more attributes require authorization | |
GATTS Read Request with Authorization | |
GATTS Read Request without Authorization | |
GATTS Service Changed | |
GATTS System Attributes Handling: Bonded Peer | |
GATTS System Attributes Handling: Unknown Peer | |
GATTS Timeout | |
GATTS Write Command With Authorization | |
GATTS Write Command Without Authorization | |
GATTS Write Request with Authorization | |
GATTS Write Request without Authorization | |
Structures | |
User memory layout for Queued Writes | |
User memory layout for System Attributes | |
Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) | Definitions and prototypes for the L2CAP interface |
Defines | |
L2CAP channel setup refused sources | |
L2CAP channel status codes | |
Enumerations | |
Functions | |
Message Sequence Charts | |
L2CAP Channel Release | |
L2CAP Channel SDU Receive | |
L2CAP Channel SDU Transmit | |
L2CAP Channel Setup | |
L2CAP Channel advanced SDU reception flow control | |
Structures | |
Terminology | |
Master Boot Record API | APIs for updating SoftDevice and BootLoader |
Defines | |
Enumerations | |
Functions | |
Types | |
SoC Library API | APIs for the SoC library |
Defines | |
Enumerations | |
Functions | |
SoC Library Error Codes | Error definitions for the SoC library |
Structures | |
SoftDevice Manager API | APIs for SoftDevice management |
Defines | |
Clock accuracy | |
Fault ID ranges | |
Fault ID types | |
Possible LFCLK oscillator sources | |
Enumerations | |
Functions | |
SoftDevice Manager Error Codes | Error definitions for the SDM API |
Types | |
SoftDevice NVIC API | APIs for the accessing NVIC when using a SoftDevice |
Defines | |
SoftDevice NVIC internal definitions | |
SoftDevice NVIC internal functions | |
SoftDevice NVIC public functions | |
Variables | |