Canceled timeslot scenario

Situations may occur in the middle of a session where a requested and scheduled application radio timeslot is being revoked.

Figure 1 shows a situation in the middle of a session where a requested and scheduled application timeslot is being revoked. The upper part of the figure shows that the application has ended a timeslot by returning the REQUEST_AND_END action, and the new timeslot has been scheduled. The new scheduled timeslot has not started yet, as its starting time is in the future. The lower part of the figure shows the situation some time later.

In the meantime the SoftDevice has requested some reserved time for a higher priority activity that overlaps with the scheduled application timeslot. To accommodate the higher priority request the application timeslot is removed from the schedule and, instead, the higher priority SoftDevice activity is scheduled. The application is notified about this by a CANCELED event to the application event handler. The application then makes a new request at a later point in time. That request succeeds (it does not collide with anything), and a new timeslot is eventually scheduled.

Figure 1. Canceled timeslot scenario

Documentation feedback | Developer Zone | Updated 2016-04-08