nRF5 SDK for Mesh v3.0.0
Exploring Mesh APIs using light switch example

The light switch example is meant to showcase the APIs for the provisioner and provisionee roles and how a simple Bluetooth Mesh network may be set up and configured. The network consists of one static provisioner (that configures a network in a fixed predefined way), one light switch (that implements a Generic OnOff client), and one or more light bulbs (that implement Generic OnOff servers).

Provisionee: light switch server

The server uses the following set of APIs:

  1. Application support modules
  2. Initialization module
  3. Core mesh stack
  4. Generic OnOff server model

The initialization module implements the behavior of a provisionee device. It handles the interface with the provisioning stack, setting up the configuration server, and restoring the device state from flash.

The main application (examples/light_switch/server/src/main.c) implements the following functionality:

  1. Setting basic configuration parameters, supported Out-Of-Band (OOB) methods, clock configuration, callbacks, etc.
  2. Adding models and their event callbacks.

When the provisioning_complete_cb() callback is called, the device is provisioned and ready to be configured by the provisioner. The following figure illustrates the setup with the relevant API calls:

Figure 2: Light switch server setup

Provisionee: Light switch client

The client uses the following set of APIs:

  1. Application support modules
  2. Initialization module
  3. Core mesh stack
  4. Generic OnOff client

The client application is implemented in a similar way as that of the server (see examples/light_switch/client/src/main.c). Additionally, it has the following functionality:

  1. Handle button presses and call Generic OnOff client APIs to send mesh messages to the desired nodes or a group of nodes.
  2. Handle model callbacks and print corresponding messages in RTT log.
Figure 2: Light switch server setup

Provisioner: Setting up the network

The provisioner uses the following set of APIs:

  1. Application support modules
  2. Initialization module
  3. Core mesh stack
  4. Provisioning
  5. Configuration client

In general, the provisioner role is an order of magnitude more complex than the provisionee role, both in resource requirements and application complexity. Therefore, there is no simple "press play and it works"-API for the provisioner. However, for a specific use case, it can be reduced into a set of simple steps, as implemented in the provisioner example:

  1. Initialize:
    1. Core mesh stack
    2. Device state manager
    3. Access layer
    4. (Optional) Load flash configuration.
  2. Listen for unprovisioned beacons.
  3. Provision device.
  4. Configure device.
  5. If more devices should join the network, go back to step 2.

In the example code, this behavior is split between the following modules:

The following figure shows the details of how provisioning and configuration are implemented with the provided APIs. Note that the figure may simplify some API calls to provide a clearer understanding. See the relevant source files for details.

Figure 3: Provisioning and configuring devices

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