nRF5 SDK for Mesh v1.0.1
Interactive PyACI

The Interactive Python Application Controller Interface (PyACI) ( can be used to interactively control devices running the mesh stack and the serial interface. The script opens up one or more COM ports and enables an interactive Python command line.

The interface consists of

Important: aci/ and aci/ are auto-generated from the C header files of the serial interface with the tools/serial_doc scripts. To re-generate the files, build the serial_pyaci target (requires a CMake based setup).


The interactive console is written for Python 3.5. Install the requirements using pip like this:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

To follow this guide, you need at least two boards (PCA10028, PCA10030, or PCA10040) running the serial example.

Using the interface

To start the serial interface, simply call python -d <com port>. The baud rate is set to the default value used in the mesh serial stack. To disable logging to file, append the --no-logfile argument.

Hello World

After building and flashing the serial example, connect to the device with the interactive console:

$ python -d /dev/ttyACM0 --no-logfile

    To control your device use d[x], type d[x]. and hit tab to see the available methods.
    x is for the device index; devices will be indexed based on the order of com ports
    given with the option -d(the first device, d[0], can also be accessed using device).

Python 3.5.2 (default, Nov 17 2016, 17:05:23)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 6.1.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

Send an echo command to test that the device is connected:

In [1]: send(cmd.Echo("hello world"))
2017-08-02 10:06:29,338 - INFO - ttyACM0: {event: DeviceEchoRsp, data: {'data': bytearray(b'hello world')}}

The send function is a helper function for sending commands to the first device. It accepts a CommandPacket object as a parameter. All of these are imported from aci/ by the interactive script.

Sending mesh packets

Let's set up a tiny mesh network. Connect two devices and start the serial interface:

$ python -d /dev/ttyACM0 /dev/ttyACM1 --no-logfile

Next, add a network key, application key, and a local unicast address with the quick_setup() method:

In [1]: for dev in d: dev.quick_setup()
2017-08-02 10:01:53,154 - INFO - ttyACM0: SubnetAdd: {'subnet_handle': 0}
2017-08-02 10:01:53,157 - INFO - ttyACM0: AppkeyAdd: {'appkey_handle': 0}
2017-08-02 10:01:53,158 - INFO - ttyACM0: Success
2017-08-02 10:01:53,161 - INFO - ttyACM1: SubnetAdd: {'subnet_handle': 0}
2017-08-02 10:01:53,162 - INFO - ttyACM1: AppkeyAdd: {'appkey_handle': 0}
2017-08-02 10:01:53,166 - INFO - ttyACM1: Success

Add publish addresses:

In [2]: d[0].send(cmd.AddrPublicationAdd(d[1].local_unicast_adress_start))
2017-08-02 10:10:11,502 - INFO - ttyACM0: AddrPublicationAdd: {'address_handle': 15}
In [3]: d[1].send(cmd.AddrPublicationAdd(d[0].local_unicast_adress_start))
2017-08-02 10:10:13,132 - INFO - ttyACM1: AddrPublicationAdd: {'address_handle': 15}

Notice the handles; they are used to reference the addresses and keys at a later point. Let's store them in some variables:

In [4]: publish_handle = 15
In [5]: appkey_handle = 0

Next, we test out sending a message between the devices:

In [6]: d[0].send(cmd.PacketSend(appkey_handle, d[0].local_unicast_adress_start, publish_handle, 1, 0, "Hello World"))
2017-08-02 10:15:18,073 - INFO - ttyACM0: Success
2017-08-02 10:15:18,092 - INFO - ttyACM1: {event: MeshMessageReceivedUnicast, data: {'actual_length': 11, 'adv_addr_type': 1,            \
                                           'adv_addr': bytearray(b'\xe9\x04/\xcc\xcf\xf7'), 'src': 1, 'data': bytearray(b'Hello World'), \
                                           'rssi': 14, 'subnet_handle': 0, 'appkey_handle': 0, 'dst': 2, 'ttl': 1}}

In [7]: d[1].send(cmd.PacketSend(appkey_handle, d[1].local_unicast_adress_start, publish_handle, 1, 0, "Hi there"))
2017-08-02 10:15:42,806 - INFO - ttyACM1: Success
2017-08-02 10:15:42,837 - INFO - ttyACM0: {event: MeshMessageReceivedUnicast, data: {'actual_length': 8, 'adv_addr_type': 1,           \
                                           'adv_addr': bytearray(b'\xd6\x89\x1c\x8d\r\xd7'), 'src': 2, 'data': bytearray(b'Hi there'), \
                                           'rssi': 14, 'subnet_handle': 0, 'appkey_handle': 0, 'dst': 1, 'ttl': 1}}

Getting help

To read the documentation for one of the commands, enter a ? before or after the command object and press <enter>. E.g., for the BeaconParamsSet command, you would get the following:

In [1]: ?cmd.BeaconParamsSet
Init signature: cmd.BeaconParamsSet(beacon_slot, tx_power, channel_map, interval_ms)
Set parameters for application controlled beacon.

    beacon_slot : uint8_t
        Slot number of the beacon to start.
    tx_power : uint8_t
        TX Power value, must be a value from @ref serial_cmd_tx_power_value_t.
    channel_map : uint8_t
        Channel map bitfield for beacon, starting at channel 37.
    interval_ms : uint32_t
        TX interval in milliseconds.
File:           <nrf5_sdk_for_bluetooth_mesh>\scripts\interactive_pyaci\aci\
Type:           type

The help prompt may be used for any python object or function.

The console also provides auto completion, i.e., typing ?cmd.BeaconParamsS and pressing <tab> will complete the command packet object.

For more details about the commands, see the serial commands documentation.


As with the normal Python shell, you can do more complex scripting, e.g.:

In [1]: import time
In [2]: for i in range(0, 10): send(cmd.Echo("Hello: " + str(i))); time.sleep(1)
2017-08-02 10:21:34,459 - INFO - ttyACM0: {event: DeviceEchoRsp, data: {'data': bytearray(b'Hello: 0')}}
2017-08-02 10:21:35,378 - INFO - ttyACM0: {event: DeviceEchoRsp, data: {'data': bytearray(b'Hello: 1')}}
2017-08-02 10:21:36,394 - INFO - ttyACM0: {event: DeviceEchoRsp, data: {'data': bytearray(b'Hello: 2')}}
2017-08-02 10:21:37,400 - INFO - ttyACM0: {event: DeviceEchoRsp, data: {'data': bytearray(b'Hello: 3')}}
2017-08-02 10:21:38,406 - INFO - ttyACM0: {event: DeviceEchoRsp, data: {'data': bytearray(b'Hello: 4')}}
2017-08-02 10:21:39,440 - INFO - ttyACM0: {event: DeviceEchoRsp, data: {'data': bytearray(b'Hello: 5')}}
2017-08-02 10:21:40,414 - INFO - ttyACM0: {event: DeviceEchoRsp, data: {'data': bytearray(b'Hello: 6')}}
2017-08-02 10:21:41,420 - INFO - ttyACM0: {event: DeviceEchoRsp, data: {'data': bytearray(b'Hello: 7')}}
2017-08-02 10:21:42,427 - INFO - ttyACM0: {event: DeviceEchoRsp, data: {'data': bytearray(b'Hello: 8')}}
2017-08-02 10:21:43,442 - INFO - ttyACM0: {event: DeviceEchoRsp, data: {'data': bytearray(b'Hello: 9')}}

Here we use a simple for-loop to send 10 echo commands with a one second delay.


To illustrate how to use a more complex application, we have implemented a sample provisioner and provisionee class. In, you find three main classes:

The ProvDevice class is a base class that implements the common functionality between the provisioner and provisionee, which is mainly authentication and encryption offloading.

Upon initialization, the ProvDevice registers the event handler of the provisioner/provisionee and adds an event filter that suppresses the provisioning events from being printed by default. It also generates a new public/private key pair and sets it for the device. If a provisioner is instantiated, the given network key and address is added to the device. If a provisionee is instantiated, the number of elements given is configured in the device capability structure.


Start the serial interface with at least two connected devices, all running the serial example. Here, we use three devices:

$ python -d COM96 COM97 COM98 --no-logfile

    To control your device use d[x], type d[x]. and hit tab to see the available methods.
    x is for the device index; devices will be indexed based on the order of com ports
    given with the option -d (the first device, d[0], can also be accessed using device).

Python 3.5.2 (v3.5.2:4def2a2901a5, Jun 25 2016, 22:01:18) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)]
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 6.1.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: p = Provisioner(d[0])
2017-07-28 13:53:17,574 - INFO - COM96: Success
2017-07-28 13:53:17,576 - INFO - COM96: Success
2017-07-28 13:53:17,581 - INFO - COM96: SubnetAdd: {'subnet_handle': 0}

In [2]: a = Provisionee(d[1]); b = Provisionee(d[2])
2017-07-28 14:05:42,931 - INFO - COM97: Success
2017-07-28 14:05:42,934 - INFO - COM98: Success
2017-07-28 14:05:42,938 - INFO - COM97: Success
2017-07-28 14:05:42,939 - INFO - COM98: Success
2017-07-28 14:05:42,940 - INFO - COM97: Success
2017-07-28 14:05:42,940 - INFO - COM98: Success

Now d[0] is instantiated as a provisioner. d[1] and d[2] are provisionees. Next, we start the provisioner's scanning and the provisionees' listening:

In [3]: p.scan_start()
2017-07-28 14:11:18,040 - INFO - COM96: Success

In [4]: a.listen(); b.listen()
2017-07-28 14:11:29,529 - INFO - COM97: Success
2017-07-28 14:11:29,532 - INFO - COM98: Success
2017-07-28 14:11:29,828 - INFO - COM96: Received UUID 0AB8C5B084599859E9042FCCCF7729BD with RSSI: -31 dB
2017-07-28 14:11:31,389 - INFO - COM96: Received UUID 667434C597F83695D358DB65D2CAE3EE with RSSI: -34 dB

Notice how COM96, our provisioner, reports the received UUIDs. Let us provision the first device:

In [5]: p.provision()
2017-07-28 14:13:17,287 - INFO - COM96: Success
2017-07-28 14:13:17,293 - INFO - COM97: Link established
2017-07-28 14:13:17,300 - INFO - COM96: Provision
2017-07-28 14:13:17,318 - INFO - COM96: Link established
2017-07-28 14:13:17,366 - INFO - COM96: Received capabilities
2017-07-28 14:13:17,366 - INFO - COM96: Number of elements: 1
2017-07-28 14:13:17,369 - INFO - COM96: OobUse
2017-07-28 14:13:17,579 - INFO - COM96: ECDH request received
2017-07-28 14:13:17,586 - INFO - COM97: ECDH request received
2017-07-28 14:13:17,587 - INFO - COM96: EcdhSecret
2017-07-28 14:13:17,592 - INFO - COM97: EcdhSecret
2017-07-28 14:13:17,823 - INFO - COM96: Provisioning complete
2017-07-28 14:13:17,824 - INFO - COM96:         Address(es): 0x10-0x10
2017-07-28 14:13:17,824 - INFO - COM96:         Device key: 2D55D072A4EE5202018D4EC64F1475B8
2017-07-28 14:13:17,825 - INFO - COM96:         Network key: 00000000000000000000000000000000
2017-07-28 14:13:17,825 - INFO - COM96: Adding device key to subnet 0
2017-07-28 14:13:17,825 - INFO - COM96: Adding publication address(es)
2017-07-28 14:13:17,830 - INFO - COM96: DevkeyAdd: {'devkey_handle': 8}
2017-07-28 14:13:17,831 - INFO - COM96: AddrPublicationAdd: {'address_handle': 15}
2017-07-28 14:13:17,835 - INFO - COM97: Provisioning complete
2017-07-28 14:13:17,835 - INFO - COM97:         Address(es): 0x10-0x10
2017-07-28 14:13:17,836 - INFO - COM97:         Device key: 2D55D072A4EE5202018D4EC64F1475B8
2017-07-28 14:13:17,836 - INFO - COM97:         Network key: 00000000000000000000000000000000
2017-07-28 14:13:17,837 - INFO - COM97: Adding network key (subnet)
2017-07-28 14:13:17,837 - INFO - COM97: Adding device key to subnet 0
2017-07-28 14:13:17,838 - INFO - COM97: Setting the local unicast address range
2017-07-28 14:13:17,842 - INFO - COM97: SubnetAdd: {'subnet_handle': 0}
2017-07-28 14:13:17,843 - INFO - COM97: DevkeyAdd: {'devkey_handle': 8}
2017-07-28 14:13:17,847 - INFO - COM97: Success
2017-07-28 14:13:17,856 - INFO - COM97: Provisioning link closed
2017-07-28 14:13:17,935 - INFO - COM96: Provisioning link closed

Running the cryptography on the host (ECDH offloading) speeds up the provisioning procedure. From the log, we can see that the whole procedure is completed in approximately 0.6 seconds!

Provisioning the second device is as easy as the first:

In [8]: p.provision()
2017-07-28 14:17:01,923 - INFO - COM96: Success
2017-07-28 14:17:01,930 - INFO - COM96: Provision
2017-07-28 14:17:01,936 - INFO - COM98: Link established
2017-07-28 14:17:01,992 - INFO - COM96: Link established
2017-07-28 14:17:02,058 - INFO - COM96: Received capabilities
2017-07-28 14:17:02,059 - INFO - COM96: Number of elements: 1
2017-07-28 14:17:02,061 - INFO - COM96: OobUse
2017-07-28 14:17:02,262 - INFO - COM96: ECDH request received
2017-07-28 14:17:02,269 - INFO - COM96: EcdhSecret
2017-07-28 14:17:02,274 - INFO - COM98: ECDH request received
2017-07-28 14:17:02,280 - INFO - COM98: EcdhSecret
2017-07-28 14:17:02,511 - INFO - COM96: Provisioning complete
2017-07-28 14:17:02,512 - INFO - COM96:         Address(es): 0x11-0x11
2017-07-28 14:17:02,513 - INFO - COM96:         Device key: 40FD35B4223291ECF757471D7C606259
2017-07-28 14:17:02,513 - INFO - COM96:         Network key: 00000000000000000000000000000000
2017-07-28 14:17:02,513 - INFO - COM96: Adding device key to subnet 0
2017-07-28 14:17:02,514 - INFO - COM96: Adding publication address(es)
2017-07-28 14:17:02,517 - INFO - COM96: DevkeyAdd: {'devkey_handle': 9}
2017-07-28 14:17:02,519 - INFO - COM96: AddrPublicationAdd: {'address_handle': 14}
2017-07-28 14:17:02,522 - INFO - COM98: Provisioning complete
2017-07-28 14:17:02,523 - INFO - COM98:         Address(es): 0x11-0x11
2017-07-28 14:17:02,524 - INFO - COM98:         Device key: 40FD35B4223291ECF757471D7C606259
2017-07-28 14:17:02,525 - INFO - COM98:         Network key: 00000000000000000000000000000000
2017-07-28 14:17:02,525 - INFO - COM98: Adding network key (subnet)
2017-07-28 14:17:02,525 - INFO - COM98: Adding device key to subnet 0
2017-07-28 14:17:02,526 - INFO - COM98: Setting the local unicast address range
2017-07-28 14:17:02,530 - INFO - COM98: SubnetAdd: {'subnet_handle': 0}
2017-07-28 14:17:02,532 - INFO - COM98: DevkeyAdd: {'devkey_handle': 8}
2017-07-28 14:17:02,532 - INFO - COM98: Success
2017-07-28 14:17:02,542 - INFO - COM98: Provisioning link closed
2017-07-28 14:17:02,621 - INFO - COM96: Provisioning link closed

Notice how the address range is changed for the second device. The Provisioner class keeps track of the address space and assigns addresses incrementally based on the number of elements for each unprovisioned node.

The new device key is added to both the provisioner and provisionee. The addresses are added as local unicast addresses for the provisionee and publication addresses for the provisioner. The network key is added only to the provisionee.

Now that we have provisioned two devices into our network, let us send some messages. Notice the handles that are received when adding addresses and keys. They are references used by the Device State Manager and in the message sending API. From the documentation of the PacketSend command, we see that we need the appkey_handle and the dst_addr_handle:

In [6]: cmd.PacketSend?
Init signature: cmd.PacketSend(appkey_handle, src_addr, dst_addr_handle, ttl, reliable, data)
Send a mesh packet.

    appkey_handle : uint16_t
        Appkey or devkey handle to use for packet sending. Subnetwork will be picked
    src_addr : uint16_t
        Raw unicast address to use as source address. Must be in the range of local
        unicast addresses.
    dst_addr_handle : uint16_t
        Handle of destination address to use in packet.
    ttl : uint8_t
        Time To Live value to use in packet.
    reliable : uint8_t
        Whether or not to make the transmission reliable.
    data : uint8_t[89]
        Payload of the packet.
File:           <nrf5_sdk_for_bluetooth_mesh>\scripts\interactive_pyaci\aci\
Type:           type

In our case, the appkey_handle is really a device key and has the value 8. The dst_addr_handle is 15. We send the packet with the following command:

In [10]: d[0].send(PacketSend(8, 0x0001, 15, 1, 0, "Hello world"))
2017-07-28 14:27:30,215 - INFO - COM96: Success

We receive the message more or less instantaneous as a MeshMessagereceivedunicast event on the other device:

2017-07-28 14:27:30,247 - INFO - COM97: {event: MeshMessageReceivedUnicast, data: {'src': 1,             \
    'adv_addr': bytearray(b'\xf4\x92\x94)B\xe2'), 'adv_addr_type': 1, 'data': bytearray(b'Hello world'), \
    'appkey_handle': 8, 'ttl': 1, 'dst': 16, 'rssi': 36, 'subnet_handle': 0, 'actual_length': 11}}

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