nRF5 SDK for Mesh v1.0.1
How to build a network

The following guide describes how to set up a simple Bluetooth Mesh network, using the light switch example as a reference. It will give a brief conceptual overview of the provisioning and configuration and how the API for it is used in the example.

See Basic Bluetooth Mesh concepts for a more detailed overview of the Bluetooth Mesh concepts.

Provisioning and configuration

Before a device can join a Mesh network, it must be provisioned. This process involves authenticating the new device and providing it with basic network information, a network key, a unique device key, and a reserved unicast address space for its elements.

After provisioning, the device must be configured. The Configuration Server model is mandatory for all Bluetooth Mesh nodes and handles the communication with and instructions from a Configuration Client model – in practice controlled by the provisioner. It is always allocated at the node's root element, and communication with it is encrypted with the device's device key. The typical configuration steps are:

  1. Read the composition data of the device. This gives the provisioner information about the metadata of the device and which models are bound to what element in the device.
  2. Add the application and/or network key(s).
  3. Bind the key(s) to the different models.
  4. Set the publication state of the models (which address to publish state events to, with what key, using what TTL value, etc.).
  5. Manage subscriptions.

Use case: Simple home lighting

Imagine a use case with one light switch and several light bulbs. The provisionee (light bulb) will start beaconing its unprovisioned beacon, signaling to the provisioner that it is looking for a network to join. The provisioner validates the light bulb's beacon and invites it to join the network. If the authentication succeeds, the device is given the necessary keys and addresses to be a part of the network and be ready to be configured. Next, the light bulb is given the "home automation" application key, it is bound to the OnOff Server that controls the light, the publication state of the OnOff Server is set, and finally a subscription to the "light group" is added. This message exchange is illustrated in the following figure (note that acknowledgments are excluded in the figure):

Figure 1: Provisioning and configuring the light bulb

This process is repeated for each light bulb that joins the network.

Practical example

The light switch example is meant to showcase the API for the provisioner and provisionee roles and how a simple Bluetooth Mesh network may be configured. The network consists of one combined provisioner and Simple OnOff client (the light switch) and three provisionees with the Simple OnOff server (the light bulbs).

Provisionee: light switch server

The light switch server interfaces mainly with two APIs:

  1. Configuration module
  2. Simple OnOff server model

The configuration module implements the behavior of a simple provisionee device. It handles the interface with the provisioning stack, setting up the configuration server, and restoring the device state from flash.

As seen in examples/light_switch/server/src/main.c, the amount of code needed for the application is minimal. It implements the following functionality:

  1. Setting basic configuration parameters, supported Out-Of-Bound (OOB) methods, clock configuration, callbacks, etc.
  2. Adding models and their event callbacks.

When the configuration_complete() callback is called, the device is provisioned and ready to be configured by the provisioner. The following figure illustrates the setup with the relevant API calls:

Figure 2: Light switch server setup

Provisioner: Light switch client

The light switch client interfaces with the following APIs:

  1. Core mesh stack
  2. Provisioning
  3. Configuration client
  4. Simple OnOff client

In general, the provisioner role is an order of magnitude more complex than the provisionee role, both in resource requirements and application complexity. Therefore, there is no simple "press play and it works"-API for the provisioner. However, for a specific use case, it can be reduced into a set of simple steps, as implemented in the light switch client example:

  1. Initialize:
    1. Core mesh stack
    2. Device state manager
    3. Access layer
    4. (Optional) Load flash configuration.
  2. Listen for unprovisioned beacons.
  3. Provision device.
  4. Configure device.
  5. If more devices should join the network, go back to step 2.

In the example, the behavior is split between examples/light_switch/client/src/main.c and examples/light_switch/client/src/provisioner.c, where the former deals with initialization and setup, user interfaces, etc. and the latter with the provisioning and configuration states. The following figure shows the details of how provisioning and configuration are implemented with the provided APIs. Note that the figure may simplify some API calls to provide a clearer understanding. See the relevant source files for details.

Figure 3: Provisioning and configuring devices

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