nRF5 SDK for Mesh v1.0.1
Release Notes

BLE Mesh v1.0.1

This is a hotfix release with documentation/bug fixes.

New features


Other / Documentation

Verification / Test Errata

BLE Mesh v1.0.0

This is the first production release of Nordic's nRF5 SDK for Mesh. This release implements mandatory features for the Mesh Profile 1.0 specification and also some proprietary features (PB-remote and Nordic Advertiser Extensions) in experimental state.

New features



Known limitations

Test Errata

BLE Mesh v0.10.1-Alpha

This is a hotfix release with no new features.


BLE Mesh v0.10.0-Alpha

This is a minor feature release for the experimental nRF5 SDK for Mesh

New features


Document updates


Known limitations

BLE Mesh v0.9.2-Alpha

This is a hotfix release, providing critical bug fixes and improvements.

New features

Bug fixes

Document updates


Known limitations of this release

BLE Mesh v0.9.1-Alpha

This is an experimental release for exploration of the BLE Mesh stack on the nRF5 device family. It is not intended for commercial use.

Key Features

Bugfixes in this release



Known limitations of this release

BLE Mesh v0.9.0


New features


Known limitations

BLE Mesh v0.8.1

Release notes

Known issues

BLE Mesh v0.8.0

This release features a preview of the refactored nRF Mesh API and new key modules.

Release highlights

Known issues and limitations

BLE Mesh v0.7.7


The transport SAR uses +malloc()+ to allocate buffers for SAR transactions. This behaviour can be overridden using +transport_sar_mem_funcs_set()+, otherwise +__HEAPSIZE+ needs to be defined.

WARNING: SoftDevice needs to be Flashed without memory protection

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