nRF5 IoT SDK v0.9.0
API Reference
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12345]
oMemory ManagerMemory Manager for the nRFXX SDK
oSDK Error codes
|oBase defined for SDK Modules
|oCodes reserved as identification for module where the error occurred.
|oCodes reserved as identification for IoT errors.
|oCodes reserved as identification for common errors.
|\Error / status codes specific to device manager.
\IoT SDKApplication Programming Interface for Internet Of Things modules
 oCommon Modules
 |oCommon utilsCommon IoT macros that are needed by IoT modules
 |oIoT DefinesCommon IoT definitions that are needed by IoT modules
 |oIoT SDK error codesError codes for the nRF5x IoT SDK
 ||oBase defined for IoT SDK Modules
 ||oModule codesCodes reserved as identification for the module where the error occurred
 ||oCommon error codesCodes reserved as identification for common errors
 ||oIPSP codesError and status codes specific to IPSP
 ||o6LoWPAN codesError and status codes specific to 6LoWPAN
 ||oIPv6 codesError and status codes specific to IPv6
 ||oUDP codesError and status codes specific to UDP
 ||osocket error codesError and status codes specific to socket API
 ||oICMP codesError and status codes specific to ICMP
 ||oCoAP codesError and status codes specific to CoAP
 ||oDNS codes.Error and status codes specific to DNS
 ||oNTP codes.Error and status codes specific to NTP
 ||oTFTP codes.Error and status codes specific to TFTP
 ||oMQTT Error Codes
 ||\NRF TLS Interface Error Codes
 |oIoT Utility toolsCommon IoT utility tools like parsing IPv6 address from a URI
 |oContext ManagerManages context identifiers and prefixes related to the identifiers
 |oIoT TimerTimekeeping for other modules
 |oIoT FileIoT File abstraction definition
 ||oIoT file abstractionStructures and public API definition
 ||oIoT file definition for port libraries.Type definitions for port modules
 |||\Module's Log Macros
 ||oIoT file port for direct flash access.Macro function which simplifies file setup process and file type assigning function
 ||\IoT file port for static buffersMacro function which simplifies file setup process and file type assigning function
 |oIPv6 MediumIPv6 Medium Interface
 |oBLE IPv6 Medium ImplementationBluetooth Low Energy implementation of the IPv6 medium interface
 |oNode Configuration ServiceNode Configuration Service module
 |oCommissioning ModuleCommissioning module
 |\TLS on nRF5xTLS interface on nRF5x
 |oInternet Protocol Support ProfileInternet Protocol Support Profile
 |\BLE 6LoWPAN library6LoWPAN techniques defined for BLE
 oNordic's MQTT
 |\MQTT Client on nRF5xMQTT Client Implementation on the Nordic nRF platforms
 oNordic's CoAP
 |oCoAP Application Programming InterfacePublic API of Nordic's CoAP implementation
 ||oResource content type bitmask values
 ||\Resource method permission bitmask values
 |oCoAP CodesCoAP message and response codes
 |oCoAP ObservePublic API of Nordic's CoAP Observe implementation
 |oCoAP transport abstractionThe transport interface that the CoAP depends on for sending and receiving CoAP messages
 |oCoAP Block transferCoAP block transfer options encoding and decoding interface and definitions
 |\CoAP OptionNordic's CoAP Option APIs
 oNordic's LWM2M
 |oLWM2M Application Programming InterfacePublic API of Nordic's LWM2M implementation
 ||oTypesLWMW2M Bootstrap type definitions
 ||\DefinesLWMW2M operation code and invalid object/instance definitions
 |oOMA LWM2M objects definititions and typesOMA LWM2M objects definititions and types
 |oIPSO Smart Object definititions and typesIPSO objects definitions and types
 |oOMA LWM2M object TLV encoder and decoder APIOMA LWM2M object TLV encoder and decoder API
 |\IPSO Smart Object TLV encoder and decoder APIIPSO Smart Object TLV encoder and decoder API
 oNordic's IPv6 stack
 |oSNTP ClientSimple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) client for obtaining and storing local unix time
 |oPacket BufferPacket buffer management for IPv6 stack layers to minimize data copy across stack layers
 |oTFTP Application Interface for Nordic's IPv6 stackTrivial File Transfer Protocol module provides implementation of TFTP Client
 |oDNS Application Interface for Nordic's IPv6 stackDomain Name System module provides implementation of DNS6 service
 |oICMP6 Application Interface for Nordic's IPv6 stackNordic Internet Control Message Protocol Application Interface for Nordic's IPv6 stack
 |oIPv6 Core Application Interface for Nordic's IPv6 stackNordic's IPv6 stack. Currently, only a Host role is supported
 |\UDP Application Interface for Nordic's IPv6 stackNordic User Datagram Protocol Application Interface for Nordic's IPv6 stack
 |oApplication IoT DFUAPI for upgrading firmware in user application
 |oBootloader APIBootloader module interface
 |oBootloader imagesInternal Device Firmware Update module interface
 |\Types and definitions.Device Firmware Update module type and definitions
 \Nordic's BSD Socket Interface
  \BSD Socket interfaceNordic socket interface for IoT

This document was last updated on Tue Dec 1 2015.
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