nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee v1.0.0
Zigbee Light Control example

The Zigbee light control example demonstrates a basic Zigbee network. It provides a minimal implementation of the following devices:

The coordinator establishes the network and commissions the light bulb and light switch. Once the light switch is successfully commissioned, it sends a broadcast message to find any device with implemented Level Control and On/Off clusters. It remembers the device network address from the first response and is controlled via on-board buttons.


All devices indicate the Zigbee stack state using LEDs, as defined in Thread BSP LED reference. The dimmable light option is available from BSP_LED_3 on the light bulb. On the coordinator node, BSP_LED_2 informs if the network is opened for new devices (BSP_LED_2 is turned on) or closed (BSP_LED_2 is turned off). Currently there is no option to reopen the network, so it is recommended to power up all devices while BSP_LED_2 is on. The network stays opened for 180 seconds after coordinator start-up.

Buttons are used only on the light switch node. Pressing BSP_BUTTON_1 after successful commissioning (BSP_LED_2 state) should turn off the light bulb (BSP_LED_3). Pressing BSP_BUTTON_0 will turn it back on. Using a long press adjusts the brightness level of the light bulb. BSP_BUTTON_1 decreases the brightness and BSP_BUTTON_0 increases the brightness.

If the user decreases the brightness level to the minimum, the effect of turning on the light bulb might not be noticeable.


You can find the source code and the makefiles in the following folders:


  1. Build the example according to the instructions in Building examples.
  2. Program one board for each example: Light coordinator, Light switch, and Light bulb.
  3. Turn on the Light coordinator node. BSP_LED_2 should turn on. The node will become the Coordinator of the network.
  4. Turn on the Light bulb node and wait until BSP_LED_2 turns on. The node will become a Router inside the network.
  5. Turn on the Light switch node and wait until BSP_LED_2 turns on. The node will become an End Device, connected directly to the Coordinator.
  6. Wait until BSP_LED_3 on the light switch node turns on. This LED indicates that the switch found a light bulb to control.
  7. You can control BSP_LED_3 on the light bulb node by pressing BSP_BUTTON_0 and BSP_BUTTON_1 on the light switch node.
  8. Pressing BSP_BUTTON_0 or BSP_BUTTON_1 turns the light bulb on or off.
  9. Press and hold BSP_BUTTON_0 or BSP_BUTTON_1 to increase or decrease the brightness level of the light bulb.

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