nRF5 SDK v15.2.0

The nRF5 SDK documentation includes descriptions and other reference material to help you understand the various components of the SDK. Examples are provided for development purposes only and should always be tested with your design.

See Getting Started for instructions on how to run the provided examples.

This version of the SDK supports the following SoftDevices:

This SDK supports developing for nRF52810 on the PCA10040 board. See Developing for nRF52810 for details. To download a copy of the SDK documentation for offline use, go to

SDK Release Notes:

nRF5 SDK v15.2.0
Release Date: Week 37, 2018
This SDK release is an update replacing the non-published nRF5 SDK release v15.1.0.
The main updates compared to v15.1.0 are summarized in the last three points of the Highlights section.

 - Added support for the new SoftDevices S140, S132, and S112 v6.1.0.
 - Added new targets for running S112 on nRF52832 (PCA10040).
 - Updated ESB library to support all nRF52 devices (nRF52810, nRF52832 (Rev.1 & Rev.2), and nRF52840).
 - Updated SDFU to include nRF52810 target (PCA10040E).
 - Released nrf_log in production quality.
 - Removed the workaround in nrf_sdh.c overriding the default priority level on SWI interrupt SD_EVT_IRQn and RADIO_NOTIFICATION_IRQn used by the SoftDevice.
 - Changed the default interrupt priority level for the peripherals from 7 to 6. This is done to be aligned with the priority of the SWI coming from the SoftDevice.
 - Fixed an interoperability issue with some Windows 10 versions when bonded and using directed advertising.

Note: Due to compatibility issues, you must run the upgrade using nRF Connect Desktop v2.5.0 or later when testing the Bluetooth examples in nRF5 SDK v15.2.0.

The following toolchains/devices have been used for testing and verification:
 - ARM: MDK-ARM version 5.18a
 - GCC: GCC ARM Embedded 6.3 2017-q2-update
 - IAR: IAR Workbench 7.80.4 (IAR 8 - see note below)
 - SES: SES 3.40

Note for IAR 8 users:
(Libraries for IAR 8 require wchar_t to be of size 32 bits while IAR 7 requires 16 bits).
To run a project using IAR 8, follow these intructions:
 - Open the IAR project in IAR 8. The IAR workbench will automatically generate an IAR 8 compatible project file.
 - If the project contains one of the precompiled libraries listed below, replace it with the IAR 8 compatible alternative
   (there are no projects targeting nRF51 in this SDK).
 - Save the project.
 - When building the project, you might get the warning: "The header file 'cmsis_iar.h' is obsolete and should not be used. [...]".
    - The problem is described in DevZone post:
      The solution is to remove all occurrences of #include <cmsis_iar.h>.
The affected libraries are:
 - micro-ecc crypto:
    - IAR7: Includes library located in the folder named “…_iar\…”.
    - IAR8: Switch to using the library from the folder named “…_armgcc\…”.
 - nrf_cc310, nrf_cc310_bl, and nrf_oberon:
    - IAR7: Includes the library where “_short_wchar_” is part of the file name.
    - IAR8: Switch to using the library with similar naming, but where the “short_wchar” is removed.
 - Gazell, NFC Tag, and 802.15.4:
    - IAR7: Includes the library where the file name ends with “_iar”.
    - IAR8: Switch to using the library with similar file name that ends with “_gcc”.
Supported SoftDevices:
 - S112 v6.1.x
 - S132 v6.1.x
 - S140 v6.1.x
 - S212 v5.0.x
Supported boards:
 - PCA10040
 - PCA10040E (nRF52810 emulation on PCA10040)
 - PCA10056
 - PCA10059 (support in selected examples)
 - D52DK1 from Garmin Canada (only for ANT examples)
For other devices and boards, see the SDK documentation, section "Using
the SDK with other boards".
*** New features
** BLE **
 - Added new targets to demonstrate the use of S112 on nRF52832 (PCA10040).
 - Added "Property Read" for the Object Transfer Service client (ble_app_ots_c).
 - Added a Scanning Module to simplify scanning for BLE devices in central role.
 - Peer Manager:
    - peer_manager_handler.h: There are now standard event handlers available to users of the Peer Manager.
       The event handlers provide features like logging, automatically securing the link, and automatically
       deleting the oldest bond if the flash is full.
    - PM_RA_PROTECTION_ENABLED: The Peer Manager can now be configured to reject repeated security requests
       from peers that failed pairing.
    - PM_LESC_ENABLED: Improved LESC support.
    - PM_LOG_ENABLED: Added error and warning level logging messages to the Peer Manager.
    - PM_PEER_DATA_ID_CENTRAL_ADDR_RES: Added automatic storing of the peer's Central Address Resolution value during bonding.
    - pm_peer_id_list(): Added a new function for creating lists of Peer IDs, including some filtering.
 - Added LESC support to the following examples: ble_app_hrs, ble_app_hrs_c, and ble_app_gls.
 - Added support for nRF52840 (PCA10056) in the beacon example (ble_app_beacon).
 - Added Swift Pair support to the HID mouse example (ble_app_hids_mouse).
 - Battery Service: Added the possibility to notify a reconnected, bonded peer of an updated battery level.
    This feature is demonstrated in the Immediate Alert Server example.
** Crypto **
 - EdDSA: Added support for Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm (Ed25519).
 - In documentation, added a table showing supported nrf_crypto backends for different examples:
** DFU/Bootloader **
 - Added a new target to the SDFU example to demonstrate SDFU running on nRF52810 (PCA10040E). In a single bank update, there is only
    about 60 kB of flash available. This restricts what can be updated.
 - The bootloader settings page is now backed up before being updated. This increases protection from corruption caused by chance events
    (for example, power failure) and malicious apps.
 - The advertising interval of BLE DFU can now be configured in sdk_config (NRF_DFU_BLE_ADV_INTERVAL).
 - The size of the application data area that is left alone by the bootloader can now be configured
    in sdk_config (NRF_DFU_APP_DATA_AREA_SIZE).
 - The bootloader code now supports most of nrf_crypto backends. However, the size of the binary will likely be too large if other backends
    are used, so you will need to accomodate by increasing the size of the bootloader.
** USB **
 - Added response/no response to an IN token on ISO IN endpoint with a ZLP when no data is ready. This can be set with USBD_CONFIG_ISO_IN_ZLP.
 - Added support for configuration string ID.
 - Added an option to give priority to isochronous transfers using USBD_CONFIG_DMASCHEDULER_ISO_BOOST.
 - Implemented SOF event callback in interrupt for classes.
 - Added an enum and get function for a selected protocol (boot or report) in HID. Implemented a SET_PROTOCOL propagation mechanism using
    on_set_protocol methods. Buffers can now be cleared after the SET_PROTOCOL command using clear_buffer methods.
 - Redesigned the idle report mechanism in HID. It now allows a callback function and handles multiple report IDs.
 - Added an option to send a ZLP on write with the same size as the endpoint in CDC ACM class using APP_USBD_CDC_ACM_ZLP_ON_EPSIZE_WRITE.
 - Implemented macros to set interval for individual endpoints. See APP_USBD_EP_WITH_INTERVAL.
 - Transfers in Audio class can now be started in SOF interrupt set in the app_usbd_audio_sof_interrupt_register function.
*** Changes
** BLE **
 - Increased the length of the advertising name for the Running Speed and Cadence sensor example (ble_app_rscs) to make it easy to verify
    that it is using the extended advertising.
 - Included the Scanning module into all BLE examples. This aligns how scanning is performed in these examples.
 - Updated the NFC pairing examples (ble_app_hids_keyboard_pairing_nfc, ble_app_hrs_nfc_pairing, ble_nfc_pairing_reference) to start using
    the LESC functionality in the Peer Manager (which uses the nrf_ble_lesc module).
 - Removed the manual handling of credits for the Object Transfer Service (ble_app_ots and ble_app_ots_c). Most use cases now work faster
    and simpler when the SoftDevice is controlling it.
 - Updated the API documentation for advertising_init in the Advertising module (ble_advertising). It was clarified that UUID arrays were not
    copied into the Advertising module.
 - Advertising module (ble_advertising) is no longer dependent on the fstorage module.
 - Changed the ANCS example (ble_app_ancs_c) so that it no longer performs service discovery after connecting to an already bonded peer.
 - Lowered the advertising interval in the Eddystone example (ble_app_eddystone), because some advertising packets would be lost when combined
    with the timeslot API.
 - Reduced the maximum supported value for advertising interval in Eddystone from 20000 to 16384. If a higher value is set, the SoftDevice returns
    an error code that asserts the application.
 - Peer Manager:
    - Various improvements to documentation.
    - The Peer Manager will now take less space for the same features.
    - To decrease complexity, the Peer Manager no longer uses the 'reserve' functionality in FDS, meaning that PM_EVT_STORAGE_FULL
      events will come slightly later if bonds cannot be stored during bonding.
    - Error event parameters now specify whether the error code is to be interpreted as an FDS_ error or an NRF_ error.
    - Peers without a stored rank are now never returned from pm_peer_ranks_get().
    - The function pm_peer_data_load() now fills the array even when returning NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE.
    - Enabled internal LESC key handling through PM_LESC_ENABLED. Function pm_lesc_public_key_set() is now deprecated because of this change.
 - All examples using the Peer Manager now use the new standard event handlers.
    While some examples implement custom behavior, all examples do the following:
    - Log Peer Manager events (at different log levels).
    - Encrypt immediately on connection with bonded peers.
    - Delete old bonds to make room for new peer data.
 - Some examples supporting central mode disconnect when link encryption fails. Look for functions calling pm_handler_disconnect_on_sec_failure().
 - The ble_app_bms example will now request for security procedure to be initiated if the Central does not initiate it.
 - Updated examples with directed advertisement to take into account Central Address Resolution value.
** IEEE 802.15.4 **
 - Updated the radio test example to support 802.15.4 radio modes.
** Crypto **
 - Updated documentation about RAM requirements on mbed TLS.
 - Added endianness change Curve25519 (to little endian).
 - Removed the following defines. A compile error is shown if they are enabled in a configuration:
 - nrf_crypto micro-ecc backend: Moved ECDH public key validation from the key convert function to ECDH compute
    (moved from nrf_crypto_backend_micro_ecc_public_key_from_raw to nrf_crypto_backend_micro_ecc_ecdh_compute).
 - Upgraded nrf_cc310 and nrf_cc310_bl to version 0.9.10 including minor changes to some default configurations.
 - Removed micro-ecc library/mbed TLS from BLE LESC examples for better user experience.
    - micro-ecc library prevented a working compilation in a fresh LESC example (requires external download).
    - mbed TLS significantly increases compilation time in the project, even if it is not configured as the enabled nrf_crypto backend.
** DFU and Bootloader **
 - Updated documentation about how to change the existing SDFU project, so that the application can be uploaded without signature verification,
    but at the same time to keep the signature verification when updating a SoftDevice and/or bootloader.
 - The bootloader now does not use app_timer, which saves flash space.
 - The bootloader now does the endian-conversion in code, instead of relying on endian-conversion in nrf_crypto.
** Drivers and libraries **
 - Changed the peripherals' default interrupt priority level from 7 to 6.
 - Included new version of nrfx (v1.1.0). For the nrfx changelog, see
 - nrf_log:
     - Updated to production quality.
     - You can now store/load the filtering configuration in FDS.
     - You can now control one backend from another.
 - nrf_cli: Added support for terminal meta keys.
** Proprietary **
 - Updated ESB library to support all current variants of nRF52. This mainly involves adding proper handling of Errata related to the radio.
 - Added a function to skip the next packet in the TX queue. This was previously a function used internally in the module under another name.
** USB **
 - Moved USBD strings configuration to sdk_config.
 - Rebuilt MSC class write procedure.
 - Moved APP_USBD_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED to nrf_log settings.
 - HID report protocol is now default after reset.
 - HID default idle rate after reset can now be defined.
 - OUT transfers are now dropped when clearing stall on endpoint.
 - SET_ADDRESS command is now defined as a separate event in app_usbd. It does not change the state of the device anymore.
 - EP0 is now disabled until USB RESET condition is detected.
 - HID OUT reports are now limited to 63 bytes of data + 1 byte reserved for report ID.
*** Bug fixes
** BLE **
 - Fixed a bug in the BLE UART client (ble_app_uart_c) where it would check the wrong error code when issuing multiple write commands.
 - Fixed a bug in the ANCS example (ble_app_ancs) where app_timer was included too many times.
 - Fixed a bug in the Advertising module (ble_advertising) where a comment referred to seconds instead of 10 ms.
 - Fixed a bug in the LESC connection example (ble_app_multirole_lesc) where the procedure for connection parameter update would not be started
    immediately upon connection.
 - Fixed a bug where a precompiled hex was missing for Immediate Alert Server (ble_app_ias) and Service Changed server (ble_app_gatts) examples.
 - Fixed a bug in the Radio Notification Event Handler (ble_radio_notification) where a missing include stopped it from compiling.
 - Fixed a bug in the BLE Interactive Command Line Interface Example in service discovery procedure.
 - Fixed a bug in the Alert Notification Service, where it was not possible to enable notifications for an unread alert.
 - Peer Manager:
    - Fixed a bug where the event PM_EVT_FLASH_GARBAGE_COLLECTED was also sent when garbage collection failed.
    - Fixed a bug in pm_next_peer_id_get() where it could report a peer with no data attached to it if used during bonding.
    - Fixed a bug where peer data would not be written because the internal retry mechanism failed after two attempts.
    - Fixed a bug where pairing (no bonding) could happen with an already bonded peer without triggering a PM_EVT_CONN_SEC_CONFIG_REQ event.
    - Fixed several documentation bugs related to error codes.
 - Eddystone:
    - Fixed a bug where the default TX power was set to 0 instead of using the DEFAULT_FRAME_TX_POWER define.
    - Fixed a bug where an invalid reference of a variable could cause incorrect data to be sent.
** IEEE 802.15.4 **
 - Adjusted CCA threshold value to be correct for nRF52840 Rev. 1 (different from what was available on the Engineering sample).
 - Implemented a fix for Anomaly 153 (temperature correction of RSSI measurement): added an API in RAL module for calculating the corrected RSSI value.
** Drivers and libraries **
 - Fixed a bug in the SPI manager where app_timer was included too many times.
 - Fixed a wrapping issue in the Ring Buffer library.
** DFU/Bootloader **
 - Fixed a bug where the watchdog feeding in the bootloader did not happen during a certain FW activation.
** DTM **
 - Added support for 8 dB on nRF52840 targets.
 - Implemented the workaround for nRF52840 Anomaly 172 which caused the device to fail a test with interference in co-channels (RF-PHY/RCV/BV-29-C).
** Proprietary **
 - Fixed a bug in bytewise_bit_swap where it was harder to backport the implementation to nRF51.
 - Fixed a bug in nrf_esb_pop_tx where the packet queue would occasionally be corrupted.
 - Added shutdown of the system timer as the workaround for Anomaly 78 and to save energy.
** NFC **
 - Integrated fixes from EMVCo test suite (improved interoperability).
 - Added automatic fix for Anomaly 181.
 - Fixed a bug where HFCLK was requested too early for nRF52840 Rev. 1 chip.
 - Changed the way the fixes for chip errata are switched: use chip defines from MDK instead of board defines (simplifying usage of custom boards).
** USB **
 - Removed redundant barriers in USBD HAL.
 - Fixed a bug in HID library where the report descriptor was limited to 64 bytes.
 - Fixed a bug where USBD was not able to wake up after SOF event.
 - Fixed a bug where the SET_ADDRESS command was not processed in time.
 - USB application library (stack) now properly supports a situation when the HOST requests a descriptor but sets wLength Setup field to 0.
*** Known Issues
** BLE **
 - Peer Manager:
    - When a link is already secured and the peer sends a slave security request for a higher level of security, the request will not be honored.
    - Service Changed indications might be silently dropped without being sent if the attempt to send them happens during an ATT MTU exchange.
    - Service Changed indications might be silently dropped if the flash is full when the Service Changed flag is being stored in flash.

** BLE IOT **
 - Neighbor discovery module for lwIP requires the on-link flag in the router advertisement to be set to create a SLAAC address from the prefix.
    However, RFC 7668 ( requires this bit to be zero. Therefore, the nd6.c from lwIP source has been modified
    to relax this check.
 - There are some issues when using the IoT examples against Linux Kernel 4.12+ that cause the kernel to only work with one 6LoWPAN connection.
    If more than one kit is connected using 6LoWPAN, none of the nodes will be accessible.
 - Scheduler has been included in most IoT examples to avoid race conditions found when using the lwIP stack, more precisely the TCP examples.
    The issue was that the TCP client would stop working after about 15 hours. However, when using mbed TLS, the use of scheduler is not possible.
    Therefore, the MQTT client examples might be affected by this issue.
 - The use of security, both with TLS and DTLS, should be treated as experimental.
 - MQTT examples cannot be used with commissioning on nRF52832. There is not enough RAM to accommodate both TLS and the commissioning service.
 - If enabled, RTT logs in IoT bootloader might not be printed before resetting.
 - The background_dfu example does not work.
** Drivers and libraries **
 - SAADC driver is not handling detection limits: high and low correctly if SAADC resolution is greater than 10 bits.
 - In the radio test example, modulated packets will only have the requested content in the first two bytes.
    Further bytes have random values.
 - In the radio test example, start_duty_cycle_modulated_tx is not working as intended.
    The actual duty cycle on air is not what was requested in the command.
** USBD **
 - Due to Anomaly 199, the USBD driver blocks code execution during EasyDMA transfer (for stability).
 - USBD BLE UART FreeRTOS example is not working when combined with Nordic UART Service Client example.

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