nRF5 SDK for Mesh v2.2.0
Coexistence with nRF5 SDK BLE functionality


nRF5 SDK integration

See Building the mesh stack and examples for information on how to download and install the nRF5 SDK.

Including nRF5 SDK in an nRF5 SDK for Mesh example

When using Segger Embedded Studio, resources from nRF5 SDK can be included in an existing mesh project by simply adding code files and include paths to the corresponding SES project file.

When building the nRF5 SDK for Mesh stack using CMake, resources from nRF5 SDK can be included by simply adding code files and include paths to the corresponding CMakeLists.txt file. The SDK_ROOT root symbol is used to refer to the nRF5 SDK installation folder (see e.g. CMakeLists.txt in the Light Switch Server example).

Including nRF5 SDK for Mesh functionality in an nRF5 SDK example

Include the following source files from nRF5 SDK for Mesh in the nRF5 SDK example's project file:

NOTE: If various mesh features are not needed (like e.g. DFU), the corresponding files may simply be omitted from the project file. Then examples/nrf_mesh_weak.c must be added in their place to provide stubs for the missing API functions.

Add the following folders to the nRF5 SDK example's project include path:

Add the following preprocessor symbols to the nRF5 SDK example's project file:

NOTE: Examples using the simple_hal module in the mesh stack may need to be updated to use the Nordic nRF5 SDK bsp module if integrated with the nRF5 SDK. It is possible to use both, but in this case GPIOTE_IRQHandler must be removed from one of them, and only one of the modules may register callback functions.

If the original Nordic nRF5 SDK example uses the SoftDevice, make sure that the mesh stack is initialized and enabled after the SoftDevice is enabled. In that case, SoftDevice events must be forwarded to the mesh stack. Add the following code to your application:

#include "nrf_sdh_soc.h"
static void mesh_soc_evt_handler(uint32_t evt_id, void * p_context)
NRF_SDH_SOC_OBSERVER(m_mesh_soc_observer, MESH_SOC_OBSERVER_PRIO, mesh_soc_evt_handler, NULL);

Flash storage of network configuration is enabled by default in the mesh stack as well as in some of the Nordic nRF5 SDK applications. The flash areas used for this purpose may overlap and cause errors. To allow safe coexistence of the flash storage module Flash manager in the mesh stack and the flash storage module fstorage in the Nordic nRF5 SDK, add the following code block to nrf_mesh_config_app.h:

#include "fds.h"
#include "fds_internal_defs.h"

NOTE: If you are adding you own mesh functionality rather than working from an existing mesh example, you also need to add the file nrf_mesh_config_app.h. Copy it from the examples/templates folder in mesh stack repository into your project folder, and remove #error message at the top of the file. Make other appropriate changes to the file content, like adjusting ACCESS_ELEMENT_COUNT and ACCESS_MODEL_COUNT to the required number of elements and models.

nRF5 SDK NVM storage modules

Using nRF5 SDK modules such as fstorage, pstorage, or ble_flash for writing to flash may be problematic due to long timeslot events occupied by the mesh stack. Use the Flash manager module provided by the mesh stack instead.

Furthermore, when writing to flash, ensure to not write or erase areas utilized by the mesh stack modules and the bootloader (if present). By default, the mesh modules utilize the last x number of pages before the start of the bootloader, if present, or the last x number of pages of the available flash on the Nordic SoC. The value of x depends on the configuration of the mesh stack and can be calculated by:


Estimated sizes

The following are estimated sizes based on the Light switch server example, built using Keil v5 with optimization level O3 for nRF52832.


Definition Value

Base sizes

Structure/union Size in bytes
fm_header_t 4
access_model_state_data_t 20
access_flash_subscription_list_t 4
dsm_local_unicast_address_t 4
dsm_flash_entry_addr_virtual_t 16
dsm_flash_entry_subnet_t 36
dsm_flash_entry_devkey_t 20
dsm_flash_entry_appkey_t 36
flash_manager_metadata_t 8
dsm_flash_entry_t 36


Count name Value
Total page count 4

Heap size

The transport layer uses malloc() for its operation. This behavior can be overridden using transport_sar_mem_funcs_set(), otherwise __HEAP_SIZE needs to be defined.

If you are using SES for building the application set the Heap Size to 8192 bytes in the Project Options> Code> Runtime Memory Area settings.

Concurrent SoftDevice and mesh activity

By design, the SoftDevice activity is prioritized over mesh activity. Therefore, you should keep the connection and advertisement intervals used by the SoftDevice as large as possible when using Bluetooth low energy connections. If scanning, keep the scan intervals as long as possible, and the scan windows as short as possible. You should also reduce mesh activity while the SoftDevice is doing fast advertising and continue normal activity after a connection is established.


See Coexistence with nRF5 SDK examples to see how the nRF5 SDK features can be simultaneously used with nRF5 SDK for Mesh.

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