nRF5 SDK for Mesh v2.1.1
CMake on Windows

List of tools

Important: Ensure that all command line tools are available in a folder referenced by the system path (e.g. the PATH environment variable).

Download link Recommended minimum version
CMake 3.9.0
Ninja 1.7.2
GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain 6-2017-q2-update (6.3.1)
ARM Compiler Version 5 5


Download the latest installer from and follow the installation instructions.


For Windows, both the armcc v5 and GCC ARM Embedded toolchains are supported.


Visit the Python 3 website to download the latest Python 3 installer. Ensure that pip is installed and that Python 3 is added to PATH.

Build system

The Ninja build system is preferred on Windows. Download the binary from the ninja-build release page and place it in a suitable folder. Append the path to the folder to your PATH environment variable if it is not there already.

Additional tools for building unit tests (host) [Optional]

The unit test (host) build uses the standard GCC compiler, available on Windows through MinGW. Install the mingw-base and ensure that the 32-bit version is installed or that 32-bit libraries are available. Furthermore, libpthread is needed for the multithreaded test. This can be installed using mingw-get.exe. From the command line, simply call:

$ mingw-get install libpthread

Ruby is used by the mocking framework CMock. Install it from the Ruby website.

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